LILLEY: Timing of polls and ads looking good for Pierre Poilievre

Polls have the Conservative dominating the Liberals just as CPC HQ releases new ads on Poilievre.

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The polls are up, the days are long, a new ad set is out and things are looking good for Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. In the dog days of summer, things are looking good for the Poilievre Conservatives.

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It was just a few months ago that the polls seemed to indicate there was no change in popular support. If an election had been called at the end of May, there was a good chance we’d end up with the same minority Parliament, led by the Liberals, that we currently have.

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Some polls at the time had the Conservatives with a slight lead, others had the parties tight but the main thing was that they had strong support in their respective strongholds.

The Liberals held the red wall in Atlantic Canada, they were competitive in Quebec, ahead or tied in Ontario and doing well enough in British Columbia. The Conservatives dominated the prairies, they had enough support in Quebec and were competitive but not leading in Ontario and Quebec.

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It had to be frustrating for those at Conservative HQ.


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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had spent much of 2023 on his back foot defending against issues around China’s interference in our democracy, sky-high inflation, questions about the competence of several key cabinet ministers and the weight of nearly eight years in government. Yet, despite all that, the Conservatives didn’t have a clear trend of momentum to point to despite their best efforts.

In the last month polls from Leger, Nanos, Mainstreet and Abacus have the Conservatives lead sitting between seven and 10 points nationally, but more importantly, Poilievre and his team appear to be making inroads in key regions they need to win.

The latest Abacus Data poll has the Conservatives ahead by nine points nationally, with the Conservatives ahead in every region of the country except Quebec. The most important numbers are that Poilievre leads Trudeau by seven points in Atlantic Canada, four points in Ontario and 25 points in British Columbia according to Abacus.

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David Coletto, CEO of the polling firm said he doesn’t think Poilievre is drawing people to him but that Trudeau is repelling voters at the moment.

“The CPC doesn’t need convince voters they want change. They have to convince them they are the change they want and can accept,” Coletto said.

Which is why the new ad campaign, launched by the Conservatives is so timely and important to their electoral chances. The party has released three video ads that will run online, on TV and will be suplemented by radio and print ads.

The party insists this is not a rebranding exercise for their leader.

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“Authenticity is central to who he is and how he will govern. That authenticity and consistency is why so many Canadians got behind him during last year’s leadership campaign,” an internal memo obtained by the Sun states.

In one of the ads, narrated by Poilievre’s wife Ana, he is described as a husband, father, son and leader.

“Who is Pierre Poilievre? Many know him as the common-sense leader the country needs,” Ana Poilievre says as family images play out on the screen.


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In another, Polievre is looking at jigsaw puzzle pieces saying that the country feels broken but that we can put it back together before showing him finish a jigsaw puzzle of Canada with his toddler son. The images of putting the country back together are powerful and will speak to the many Canadians who feel left behind by the policies and inaction of the current government.

It may be the summer, fewer people may be paying attention, but the trend in polling combined with the ads puts the Conservative Leader in a positive position just weeks before the House of Commons resumes.

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