Letters to the Editor: June 8, 2022

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police downtown

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Regarding the article $1M extra to make core plan nimble (June 2)

Here we go again. The return on money invested in the downtown has been abysmal, yet the city continues to spend millions more in its misguided attempts to bring people back to the core.

No one will come downtown, no matter how much money the city throws at it, until they can be assured that they will not be harassed every few steps for money, or subjected to an unprovoked assault by someone with mental health issues, as recently occurred . Remove the sleeping bags, air mattresses and tents, used needles, urine and human waste.

The money would be better spent hiring additional police officers to arrest those who sell drugs, thereby attracting even more unsavory and violent characters to the core.

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John Lisowski, London

Buyer beware

The City of Calgary, which also declared a climate emergency, just tabled the costs of their initiatives to get to “net zero” by 2050 at $87 billion, or $3.1 billion in added costs annually while approving the motion for full council vote.

Back home in London, our council signed off in February to move forward with our climate emergency action plan next steps with pretty much full support from council, despite no ideas about the cost.

This is exactly the path we are headed down. Our focus should be on upgrading London’s assets to increase climate resilience.

Most home, business and vehicle owners already are getting clear direction from ever-increasing carbon tax and energy prices to plot their own path forward without duplicating these directions and overhead costs at the city level.

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Chris ButlerLondon

Guilty Russians

In his article Not only Putin’s war (June 4) Tom Blackwell asks us to consider if the Russian people also are part of Putin’s war.

State media is spreading falsehoods and the Russian people cannot talk freely when a dictator like President Vladimir Putin promises to jail anyone critical of his regime.

In my thinking, ignorance of what is really going on in Ukraine is no excuse for backing a brutal assault and raping the country of its resources and dignity. The world should not be putting up with more wars. Leaders like Putin still want the stone age for long enough to steal another’s goods.

Yes, the Russian people have to be held responsible for what is going on because they are allowing Putin to do what he is doing.

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Paul Leinweber, St. Marys

wrong park

In my letter to the editor Clean-up core (June 7), I did not mean to refer to Victoria Park. I was referring to Ivey Park at the forks of the Thames.

This area of ​​downtown behind Museum London could be a wonderful place for wedding or family photos, but it is in awful shape.

If the city is going to put in parks like this, they need to prioritize keeping them up. Otherwise don’t bother.

C. Dickson, London

Historical Inheritance

The recent 70th Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth is an example of the importance of history and heritage and obviously applies in diverse ways such as people, places, events and even old houses.

That is how I look at the London Municipal Golf System……a historical heritage that we should treasure considering the development process, the economic system that enabled it and the source of human pleasure and recreation for many for almost a century.

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The London Golf System that ultimately consisted of 5 golf courses was built incrementally over 76 years to an ultimate value of $20 Million and without tax dollars and became a model for all of Canada and a recreational resource for thousands over five generations.

Rather than tearing it apart with closures it should be a Civic Treasure protected and preserved from the insatiable demand for land within this ever growing City. In the evolution of great communities is the recognition of historical significant events and properties and their incorporation as necessary features of vibrant, modern communities including parks and recreation.

Andy McGuigan, London

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