Letters to the Editor, April 5, 2022

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Re “No need to create scandals for PM” (Warren Kinsella, April 1): OK, Warren, I agree, our embattled PM does not entirely deserve the political label of “dictator,” but oh boy does it not seem like he’s trying his best to earn such a title? His invocation of the Emergencies Act was no less a display of an autocratic leadership than Bill C-10, his unwillingness to speak with representatives of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa because he didn’t agree with the reasons for their protest, or his backroom deal with Jagmeet Singh and the NDP which allows him to maintain power for as long as possible. This leaves taxpayers infinitely more vulnerable to extreme government spending towards a socialist ideology. I still can’t get past the French media broadcast in which he claimed the unvaccinated were “racist” and often “misogynistic” and even asked “do we tolerate these people?” So, Warren, if likening our wonderful PM to the real dictators of the world is wrong, I wonder to what other world leader is he more like?

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Aaron McLeod

(He’s in a world and class of his known. No other world leader would want to be compared to him)


Given the war in Ukraine, energy and food security should be priorities in Ottawa. Think again. The carbon tax is snake oil by another name. It serves to impoverish the general population and fails to achieve its stated climate change objectives. Differences of opinion on policy matters are welcome in a democracy. The policy must be based on reality with measurable positive results. That is not the case in Canada.

Robert Solignac

(At least not with this current Liberal government)


There is a way Canada can reduce its carbon footprint: All we have to do is just get the Liberal Party of Canada to pay the carbon tax on all the jet fuel that is used for all the useless photo-op trips that Justin Trudeau and his caucus do to get re-elected. How many useless trips have they made that couldn’t be done virtually, except for his two surfing trips to Vancouver and the trip to see the Aga Khan in the Bahamas? No wonder the Liberals don’t mind the carbon tax because it doesn’t affect them because we pay for it.

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Dennis Lami

(Not one bit)


How are we to view today’s world? Canada (duly) elects a leader with seven out of 10 Canadians voting against him, and yet he acts as if the whole country agrees with whatever he does. Russia elects (?) a leader with nearly eight out of 10 Russians voting for him, and yet the world assumes he’s a dictator. Methodology notwithstanding, Putin might be fascist despot reincarnate but Canadians better wake up to the fact that their pretty boy leader is very much cut from that same cloth.

Mark Glen St Clair

(We don’t believe Trudeau is the best leader for our country, but he’s not planning on invading another country)

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