‘Know and win’ turns 25: this was his first program with Jordi Hurtado on TVE’s La 2

Knowing and winning is anniversary. The contest presented by Jordi Hurtado turns 25 since it arrived for the first time at the tabletops of La 2 de TVE. That February 17, 1997, accompanied by the voiceover of the mythical Juanjo Cardenal, the presenter welcomed Óscar, María del Mar and Rafael, who became the first participants of one of the entertainment formats that has been continuously on television in our country for the longest time.

‘Each wise man with his theme’, ‘Following the track’, ‘Red hot’, ‘The hot question’, ‘True or false’, ‘The duel’ and ‘The superphrase’ were the 7 tests that were part of this first installment in which Rafael García, from Tudela, was the first winner of the program, pocketing 167,000 pesetas at that time, just over 1,000 euros today (1,003.69).

Records and curiosities of 25 years of ‘Know and win’

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With 4,000 broadcast hours and 450,000 questions, ‘Saber y Ganar’ reaches a television milestone, whose most watched program was followed by 2,640,000 viewers. The youngest contestant was 18 years old and the oldest was 67. In addition, after 25 years, some contestants have had children who have also participated in the contest.

The first Magnifico and first contestant to reach 50 shows was Alberto Sanfrutos. Throughout history, the program has had more than 2,700 contestants and several have repeated. David Díaz is the one who has earned the most money almost 200,000 euros, and Victor Castroone of the best, also found a job after appearing in the contest.

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