Justin Trudeau turns to Alberta crisis to criticize Erin O’Toole

Canadians need only look to Alberta to see just how much the health situation in the country could deteriorate under a Conservative government in Ottawa, suggested Liberal leader Justin trudeau in Montreal Thursday morning.

Under fire for a spike in cases and a health network on the verge of imploding, Jason Kenney’s government announced the return of a state of emergency in the province and reintroduced emergency measures. He also announced the impending imposition of a vaccination passport for non-essential activities.

“It’s heartbreaking,” Liberal leader said of Alberta situation before launching partisan attack on Conservative opponent Erin O’Toole.

“As Premier Kenney admitted last night, his approach was wrong. And leadership matters in this pandemic. The fact that Mr. O’Toole continued to applaud Mr. Kenney’s leadership style and approach even a few days ago underlines how he is not the right leader to end the pandemic ”, Trudeau said.

“The choices we make for who will lead a government in times of crisis, whether at the provincial or federal level, dictate how we will cope. And now, people have a choice to make at the federal level: do we fight even harder against this pandemic or do we bow to the anti-vaccines that there are in the Conservative Party and do we apply half-measures? ” he added.

Mr. Trudeau continued his attacks in response to a question about the prospect of a minority government next Monday.

“My goal is to have the greatest number of Liberal MPs elected across the country, especially when you look at the situation in Alberta. It would be good to have liberal voices to defend science, to defend the majority who did the right thing during this pandemic and who are suffering, ”he replied.

Mulroney’s support for O’Toole

Mr. Trudeau also rejects any label of “progressive” which could be attached to the current Conservative Party, even if Mr. O’Toole has obtained the support of the former Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

“Let’s look at the policies Mr. O’Toole is proposing. He offers a step back to Harper’s climate change targets […]. He proposes to relegate […] assault weapons. This is not the direction progressive Quebeckers and Canadians want, ”said Mr. Trudeau.

“A Progressive Conservative does not let 80 MPs vote against a woman’s right to choose,” he added in English.

Mr. Trudeau also questioned a passage in Mr. Mulroney’s speech, which promised “profound and structural changes” for the prosperity and influence of Canada if Mr. O’Toole becomes Prime Minister.

“Here is yet another example of Mr. O’Toole telling his Conservative friends what he will really do, and pretending in front of Canadians that he will do something completely different. […] Mr. O’Toole is cheating on Canadians, ”quipped the Liberal leader in English.

Mr. Trudeau will spend the whole day in Quebec on Thursday and will make numerous stops there.

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