Josh Archibald is an unvaccinated player for the Edmonton Oilers. What does that mean for the team?

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On the Oilers Now radio show, Oilers General Manager Ken Holland confirmed that winger Josh Archibald is the only unvaccinated player on Oilers’ roster. Archibald has a one-way contract, capped at $ 1.5 million. If he made it to the Oilers and missed every game in the US, he would miss more than 30 games.


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Here’s what Holland said earlier in his press conference about the unvaccinated player (who he hadn’t yet identified):

  • Holland said he was still talking to the player (Archibald). “At the beginning of the season, I would anticipate that we would have a player who would not be vaccinated.”
  • Some NHL teams have banned unvaccinated players from training camp. The Netherlands has yet to decide whether the player will be received at Edmonton training ground. “I think the player is going through a decision process because I think it is a difficult decision. So I want to give the person the appropriate time. I’ll see where I am in a week or ten days. But we’ll see. “
  • If a player is not vaccinated and the team goes to the United States, they must quarantine them when they return to Canada, Holland said. “It’s going to make it very difficult.” (On a side note, the Oilers probably brought in forward Colton Sceviour as a possibility up front.)
  • An unvaccinated player would lose about 30 days due to the 14-day cross-border quarantines, Holland said, adding that the player may not be ready to play after being away, and if the team was doing well, they may not want to. change the line. -until. Oilers coach Dave Tippett and Holland met with the player and discussed how many times the team would cross the border this year. “It will be very difficult”.


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Edmonton recently added checker winger Colton Sceviour to a PTO. Sceviour is a player similar to Archibald, a control winger who can play at PK. If Archibald is sent to the AHL, and it’s hard to imagine that is not being considered now, that will open up an opportunity for Sceviour.

The Detroit Red Wings have invited inexperienced Tyler Bertuzzi to camp, but the Red Wings only play nine games in Canada. American teams are better able to work with unvaccinated players than Canadian teams, putting the Oilers and Archibald in a more difficult situation.

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