It is time to break with biases to reduce the gender gap: Adriana Rangel

For Adriana Rangel, head of Institutional Sales for Latin America at the global investment firm, Vanguard, we are at a crucial moment to start breaking down biases and adding more women on boards and in the top management of companies.

“One of the many causes of female under-representation in companies, which is also the issue of International Women’s Day of this year (“Break the bias”, breaking with bias, in Spanish), is that many people who make decisions do so influenced by bias,” said the also co-founder of the organization Women in Finance.

“In Mexico there has been an important advance, he added, because we have identified the gap in female inequality within the stock market sector, now we are at the moment to take action and do something about it.”

With concrete actions, ideally, it is possible to double the participation of women in the Boards of Directors of companies listed on the Stock Exchange. Also to reduce the salary gap, considered the interviewee.

Although the last five years have seen a more genuine concern of companies to integrate more women and to manage a diversity and inclusion policy, there are still opportunities to reduce the biases with which we all grow up.

“It is necessary to raise awareness and take action,” she said, since the gender gap is perhaps explained by the lack of concrete policies to achieve “a more equitable ground between women and men,” as well as to achieve greater female representation in the leadership positions.

Adriana Rangel also highlighted the value of including allies willing to change policies within companies to create a more equitable work environment. Here men play a relevant role because, for the most part, they hold leadership positions in companies.

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