Independentists boo Junqueras in an offering in Barcelona shouting “botifler”

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The president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, has been booed this morning by independentistas in the traditional wreath at the Fossar de les Moreres in Barcelona with some shouts of “botifler” (traitor).

Shortly before 1:00 a.m., Junqueras headed the ERC delegation that made the offering at the Fossar de les Moreres, a symbolic point in the Born neighborhood, where the last defenders of the city fell, besieged by Bourbon troops, on September 11, 1714.

In his brief nocturnal speech before the independentistas concentrated in the Fossar de les Moreres, Junqueras had to speak amid whistles and some shouts of “botifler”.

“In the same way that the prisons have not managed to silence us, Nor will insults or threats from anyone be able to silence us“Junqueras exclaimed in response to the boos, which reflect the internal division in the independence movement.

This Diada comes in full debate on the strategy to follow in this legislature: ERC is committed to turning to the dialogue table with the State, in which JxCat and the CUP have zero expectations.

“The referendum is inevitable”

In his first institutional message since he was appointed president of the Generalitat and a few days after attending the Dialogue Table with the Spanish Government, Pere Aragonès made a call this Friday for unity between institutions, parties and civil society to “make inevitable a referendum which for me is a democratic commitment completely inalienable before which I will not rest until it becomes reality. “

On the eve of the Diada, and at a time of maximum independence demobilization – to which the struggle between Junts per Catalunya and ERC for the strategy to solve the conflict has contributed -, the President of the Generalitat delivered a speech focused on post-Covid recovery . Hence, the chosen setting was the modernist premises of the Hospital de Sant Pau, in order to pay tribute to the health professionals who have been at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic.

“Our will is to attend to all the emergencies caused by Covid without any delay. But this context of crisis should not make us forget that it is still pending to resolve the political conflict with the state. The crisis should not make us forget that pardons have taken prisoners from prison, but they have not stopped, far from it, a repression that continues to limit your rights, that it does not resolve the exile situation and that it does not offer a way out for all the reprisals“he explained.

The Republican once again defended the Dialogue Table, which will be reactivated next week. “Catalonia is on the verge of doing something that it had never achieved before: open a negotiation with the State, from government to government, to address how we resolve the conflict. And we do it with the commitment of both parties that the result of this negotiation has the endorsement of the citizens of Catalonia through a vote. That is why we have to face the negotiation with all the ambition, “he added.

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