INAI, vetoes or votes?

There were barely 19 women among the 43 applicants for the two INAI vacancies, but they were the most qualified. The “progressive parity” is one of the criteria to be considered by the senators, in the selection of the new members of the autonomous body that guarantees transparency and the protection of personal data.

The party leaders, however, negotiated the selection of two candidate lists. One, by gender. A quintet had two former presidents of local bodies —Julio César Bonilla, from CDMX, and Ricardo León Caraveo, from Tabasco— among its protagonists, but the logic of vetoes prevailed.

And against León Caraveo his political background played, especially his performance as advisor to former PAN legislator Juan José Rodríguez Prats —characterized by his antilopezobradorismo—, but also his collaboration with the current Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López Hernández.

Among women, there were also exclusions. Ileana Hidalgo Rioja, former Senate Transparency Coordinator and current Secretary of Access at INAI, was identified with Ricardo Monreal; Rosa María Bárcena, a former official of the Institute, appeared to be close to former secretary Irma Eréndira Sandoval and Judith Minerva Vázquez received recriminations for the PRD ties of her partner, Lol Kin Castañeda.

The members of the joint Justice and Anticorruption commissions did their job. And also, in the Political Coordination Board, where the PRI senator Eruviel Ávila lobbied to support the candidacy of Zulema Martínez Sánchez, former commissioner president of Infoem, while the former president of the board of directors, Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar, supported María de los Ángeles Guzmán, former head of COTAI-Nuevo León, who has participated in the four previous promotions for a space at INAI.

With clearly identified favorites, the final stage of the selection process for the new INAI commissioners would begin. The vetoes precede the legislative paralysis that will result in the revocation of the mandate. The chances of a deal in the next two weeks are slim. “If there are appointments, it will be until September,” they calculate in the Senate.

Within the INAI, two blocks persist. One, headed by the president commissioner, Blanca Lilia Ibarra. And another, to which the outgoing commissioners, Óscar Guerra Ford and Eugenio Monterrey, were attached. To consolidate, the majority would be in favor of the appointment of Marina Sanmartín and Luis Felipe Nava Gomar, while a minority block is inclined to the arrival of Julio César Bonilla, even above cadres considered “homemade.”

The morenista majority in the Senate has decided to pause the appointment process, after a negotiation in which the cigars were excluded. Within the autonomous bodies they had already contemplated that scenario and the staff of the two vacant papers has been reassigned, to unburden pending issues.

It is the worst of all worlds, they refer, because the work is duplicated and the grids do not subside. And it is that the president of the Political Coordination Board, Ricardo Monreal Ávila, has opened the possibility of incorporating those excluded by the united commissions into the final quintets, and even reinstate the procedure if disagreements prevail.

Side effects

MULTI PLATFORM. Ruta 22 was the denominator of the interrupted programming that N+ and Foro TV deployed to cover the Revocation of the Mandate. Live, more than nine million people followed the Sunday consultation and learned of its result through social networks and on television, both open and restricted, of the new Televisa/Univision digital news channel, which was also broadcast on the ViX platform.

ATTENTIONS. While the legislators define the electrical reform, the CFE maintains the progress of its works program. And after the holidays, the administrative areas of the parastatal company must rule on the CFE-0001-CASAT-0003-2022 tender for the lease of a vehicle fleet of 14,646 units.

Alberto Aguirre


Vital signs

Journalist and columnist for El Economista, author of Doña Perpetua: Elba Esther Gordillo’s power and opulence. Elba Esther Gordillo against the SEP.

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