In the first half of 2022, IMSS expects 1.5 million temporary disabilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic

For the first half of 2022, it is forecast that the number of workers requesting temporary disability will be 1.5 million, which represents an institutional expense of 1,215 million pesos, according to IMSS estimates.

Mauricio Hernández, director of Economic and Social Benefits of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), explained on social networks that an increase of 749,000 of disabilities more than in 2021, and which represented an expense for the institution of 1,270 million pesos.

Hernández explained that “the monitoring of the pandemic is also done through the temporary incapacity for work (ITT), which offer an overview of the situation by federal entity, sex, type of employment and company.

The director of Economic and Social Benefits of the IMSS explained that the increase in requests for temporary disability in the last week, until January 7, 2022, stands out with an increase of more than 300% in the states of Colima, Durango, Nayarit, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa and Zacatecas. .

This behavior coincides with the arrival of the Ómicron variant of Covid-19 and the increase in infections at the national level of this disease, which this Wednesday, January 14, registered a record number of 44,187 new cases.

While the entities with the most temporary disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic are:

  • Mexico state
  • Mexico City
  • Jalisco
  • New Lion

The number of disabilities correlates with the number of insured workers in the entity, explained the IMSS manager.

Meanwhile, Mauricio Hernández highlighted that the second week of 2022 began with 92,000 temporary work disabilities registered in the IMSS, which meant an increase of 460% in the last two weeks and the highest peak so far in the epidemic. of the coronavirus in Mexico.


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