In lithium, plan B is to change the Mining Law

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that in the event that his constitutional reform initiative for the electricity industry is not approved, he will present to the Congress of the Union an initiative to reform the Mining Law where the stewardship of the State over the exploitation of the lithium.

During his morning conference at the National Palace, the president indicated that he will be attentive to the discussion in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies to find out if his electricity reform initiative achieves the support of the qualified majority or not.

“If the conservatives win, those who are in favor of foreign companies and against the Federal Electricity Commission (…) the next day I send the law to reform the mining law and protect lithium,” he said.

López Obrador recalled that unlike a constitutional reform, a legal reform initiative requires only a simple majority in Congress to be approved and for which his party, Morena, and its allies PVEM, PT and PES, have the necessary votes in the Union Congress.

“It is a strategic mineral for the independent development of Mexico, which should not be handed over to individuals, much less to foreigners, which should be the property of the people and the Nation,” he added. (Jorge Monroy)

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