“Improving health services and the economy of Duranguenses, a priority”

For the virtual governor-elect of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal, the priorities in public policy are to improve health services and the economic conditions of the people of Durango.

According to the Program of Preliminary Electoral Results 2022, of the IEPC of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal, nominated by PAN, PRI and PRD, obtained 53.7% of the votes; Marina Vitela, from Morena, PVEM, PT and Progressive Social Networks, 38.85% and Patricia Flores Elizondo, from Movimiento Ciudadano, 4.38 percent.

The virtual president-elect considered that the health system is currently destroyed due to several factors, including the inefficiency of the Health Institute for Well-being.

He stressed that in Durango there is a high dispersion of the population. He recalled that there are around 5,000 towns with less than 100 inhabitants and, for three years, they have stopped being served by health caravans, in addition to the fact that there is a worrying shortage of medicines.

On the other hand, he said that it is necessary to stabilize the economic situation. For this, he announced, a program of money transfers to mothers will be launched.

He explained that, through the so-called Mother Card, support from social programs of the different government agencies will be concentrated.

The doctor by profession, former local deputy, former municipal president of Durango and former Secretary of Health of the state government, called on the parties that supported other candidates for a great reconciliation and to work together for Durango.

The politician of PRI extraction had already participated as a candidate for the governorship in 2016, when he was defeated by the current governor José Rosas Aispuro.

Warning signs in working poverty

The next governor of Durango will receive a public administration with good grades in economic growth, employment, informality and with yellow lights in working poverty.

According to information systematized by Mexico, how are we doing? In economic development, Durango’s goal is to grow at 4 percent. The annual growth rate in the third quarter of 2016 was 3.8 percent. In the third quarter of 2010, it registered -0.1% and from then until the fourth quarter of 2020 it was in negative numbers, the worst record being that of the second quarter of 2020, when it reached -14.9 percent. For the second quarter of 2021, it recorded 14.5% and the record for the third quarter of 2021 is 5.4 percent.

The jobs generated in Durango in the fourth quarter of 2016, the first of the current administration, was 10,232, but that figure was not reached again in the subsequent 18 quarters. In the fourth quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2021, it is 4,832.

Until the fourth quarter of 2021, in Durango 36.8% of the population could not acquire a basic food basket with their labor income.

On the other hand, between 2012 and 2016, public debt, as a percentage of state GDP, remained at 0.2%, but in 2017 it reached its highest level, of 2.6%, although it fell to 0.4% in 2018. By 2020, it was at 0.8 percent.

In terms of security, Durango closed 2021 as the fifth state with the lowest homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants with 8.6. The national average is 26.8.

According to the 2021 Zero Impunity State Performance Index of Prosecutors and Prosecutors, this entity has 6.2 public ministries for every 100,000 inhabitants, when the national average is 10.4, and has 52.4% impunity in intentional homicide, when the national average it is 86.6 percent.

According to the Criminal Traffic Light, it is green in homicides, kidnapping, home robbery, injuries, family violence and femicides; in yellow in extortion, vehicle theft and rape and in red in drug dealing and business robbery.

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