How many votes did each Junts leader get in the party congress?

the congress that Together for Catalonia held last weekend in Argelès-sur-Mer (France) was one of unity, but it did not prevent a bittersweet outcome. Due to the low participation of the militancy in the voting for the new leadership and because two of those leaders were left out of the executive branch because they did not obtain enough support. In general, and despite the fact that the composition of the leadership was agreed between both sectors, the members related to the new president of the party, Laura Borrasgarnered less support than those related to the new secretary general, Jordi Turullwhich irritated the environment of the president of the Parlament.

These were the results of all the votes of the Junts congress.

Participation in each vote

  • Census: 6,010 militants.

  • Participation in the voting for the presidency and vice-presidencies: 2,261 votes (37.62%).

  • Participation in the vote for the general secretary, organization and finances: 2,014 votes (33.51%).

  • Participation in voting for the executive: 1,977 votes (32.89%).

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To be ratified, each leader needed at least 50% of the votes cast in their corresponding area. In other words, Borràs and the four vice presidents required a minimum of 1,131 votes; Turull and the secretaries of organization and finance had to obtain at least 1,008 votes; and executive members needed at least 989 votes.

Votes of each leader (from most to least)

  • Jordi Turull Negre (general secretary): 1,854

  • Anna Erra Solà (vice president): 1,791

  • Laura Borràs Castanyer (president): 1,776

  • Josep Rius Alcaraz (vice president): 1,676

  • Jaume Giro Ribas: 1,648

  • Miriam Nogueras-Camero: 1,637

  • Marta Madrenas Mir: 1,614

  • Gemma Geis Careers: 1,564

  • Teresa Pallarès Piqué (Finance Secretary): 1,532

  • Monica Sales de la Cruz: 1,471

  • David Saldoni of Tena: 1,424

  • Francesc de Dalmases Thió (vice president): 1,419

  • Violant Cervera Godia: 1,380

  • Damià Calvet Valera: 1,362

  • Joan Canadell i Bruguera: 1,348

  • Jaume-Alonso Cuevillas Sayrol: 1,337

  • Aleix Sarri Camargo: 1,334

  • Salvador Verges Tejero: 1,315

  • Gloria Freixa Vilardell: 1,284

  • Jordi Fabrega Sabate: 1,269

  • Montserrat Girbau Passarell: 1,217

  • Antoni Morral Berenguer: 1,205

  • Cristina Casol Segues: 1,094

  • Miquel Samper Rodriguez: 1,066

  • Montserrat Caupena More: 996

  • Aurora Madaula Giménez (vice president): 919

  • David Torrents Mingarro (organizational secretary): 918

  • Ester Valles Pelay: 908

Who has been left out?

With the previous results, the last three leaders, all related to Borràs, did not reach the minimum number of votes required to form part of the executive. The mosso Torrents and the deputy Vallès were left out of the direction of Junts, who now must find a way out of the mess. In the case of Madaula, although it fell below the bar, it was saved from being burned because the votes of the four vice presidents were counted as a block.

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