How are the Morenoite governors going to justify their failure to AMLO?

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador failed in his attempt to get 40% of the 92’805,424 citizens included in the Nominal List of Electors of the National Electoral Institute (INE) to participate last Sunday.

To try to reach that percentage, both he and all those who follow and obey him, including members of his cabinet, governors, municipal presidents, federal and local legislators and public officials of the three levels of government, disobeyed what the Constitution mandates. and electoral laws and diverted financial, material and human resources to encourage a minimum of 37 million129,286 citizens to go to the 57,500 voting booths that the INE installed in the country.

If that amount or more had gone to those boxes, the ratification of AMLO’s mandate would be forceful, because no one ever doubted that the box corresponding to the option “That he continue in the Presidency of the Republic” would be the one that the citizens who participated in the election would mark the most. the query.

After so many efforts, only 17.8% of those who appear on the Nominal List bothered to go to the polls. Of the 37 million 129,286 citizens that Andrés Manuel wanted so much to demonstrate in favor or against him remaining in office, only 16 million 480,134 arrived, that is, 20 million 649,152 less than the objective.

If we saw it as an electoral process, the abstention on Sunday was 82.8%, which can be interpreted in different ways: a) people were not interested in participating in a process that AMLO and Morena took from them; b) the people satisfied with the AMLO government did not think it necessary to go to a polling place; c) the people who did not approve of the president’s management expressed it by refraining from going to a polling place. There could be many other reasons, but these are the three that come to mind as I write this.

The fact that the president’s wish has not been fulfilled was not only a decision of the 76 million 325,290 citizens who chose not to participate in the consultation. The 18 governors from Moreno or from parties allied to AMLO are also responsible for the fact that, at least in their states, 40 percent has not been reached or exceeded.

In Tabasco, the land of AMLO and the Secretary of the Interior Adán Augusto López, there was little to achieve it since 35.9 percent participated.

Only one other state exceeded 30%: in Chiapas, where it reached 32.1 percent.

Participation was from 27.8 to 20.1% in: Campeche (27.8), Veracruz (26.9), Tlaxcala (24.9), Guerrero (24.4) and Nayarit (20.1).

It was from 19.7 to 15.7% in: Mexico City (19.7), Puebla (19.7), Sinaloa (19.2), Morelos (18.7), San Luis Potosí (16.7) and Colima (15.7).

In these states, the governors were unable to convince more than 14.9% to participate: Baja California Sur (14.4), Zacatecas (14.2), Michoacán (14.0), Sonora (13.9), and Baja California (13.2).

It is curious that in states not governed by Morena, such as Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Yucatán, there was more participation than in 12 entities governed by Morena or their allies.

The obligatory question is: if in Tabasco and Chiapas the 30% was exceeded, why not in CDMX, BCS, ZAC, MICH and other states that have been strongholds of the PRD before, and now of Morena? How are these rulers going to explain their failure to their boss?

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

Eduardo Ruiz-Healy

Journalist and producer

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Opinionist, columnist, lecturer, media trainer, 35 years of experience in the media, microentrepreneur.

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