Hilton Quebec: the agreement in principle adopted

After more than six months of strike, the workers of Hilton Quebec returned to work, by adopting Monday the agreement in principle for the renewal of the collective agreement.

The agreement has resulted in gains for staff, including salary increases of 12% over four years, including an 8% increase upon return to work, while employees will receive a final increase of 4% on April 1, 2023 .

The Union of Workers of Hilton Quebec maintains that the agreement does not provide for any decline in working conditions, but includes several improvements, particularly with regard to the protection of the employment relationship.

We now want to look ahead. […] We call on the management of the Hilton Quebec to rebuild with us more harmonious labor relations without delay,” said union president Louise Jobin.

“We have said it over and over again, the battle of the employees of the Hilton Quebec was the battle of all the employees of Quebec,” mentioned the president of the Central Council of Quebec–Chaudière-Appalaches (CCQCA–CSN), Barbara Pear tree.

So far, 19 agreements have been reached in the hotel sector of the Fédération du commerce de la CSN (FC–CSN), while negotiations are continuing in the five other hotel establishments in the coordinated round of negotiations.

“We have been carrying out coordinated negotiations in the hotel sector for about forty years now and the formula is still bearing fruit,” added the treasurer of the federation, Michel Valiquette.


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