Health unit issues cold weather warning for London-Middlesex until end of week – London | The Canadian News

The Middlesex-London Health Unit has issued its second cold weather warning of the year for the London, Ont., Region due to bitter wind-cool values ​​expected for Thursday and until Friday morning.

The forecast requires a high of -9 C and overnight low of -18 C. With the wind cooling, it is expected to feel like -20 during the day and -24 overnight.

The health unit expects the warning to remain in place until Friday afternoon, “when winds are expected to subside and reach the day high of -12 C.”

Read more:

Winter weather travel advice in effect for London region

“For the second time in a little less than a week, we expect (very cold) weather and cold temperatures can take a real negative toll on our bodies and our health,” environmental health manager David Pavletic said in a statement.

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“Our advice remains to limit any time you have to spend outdoors when Cold Weather Alerts are in effect, but that, if it is necessary to spend time outdoors, you dress for the conditions and cover exposed skin to keep cold relatives to prevent diseases or injuries. ”

A list of heating centers in the City of London could be found on the city’s website.

The cold weather warning coincides with a blizzard issued by Environment Canada for London and Middlesex County.

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