He drugged his 9-year-old stepdaughter before driving her to school

A man has admitted offering methamphetamine pills to his 9-year-old ex-daughter-in-law before dropping her off at her elementary school.

In October 2019, David Lanthier-Vincent was going to drive the daughter of his spouse at the time when the child noticed pills that were in the vehicle. She naively asked the accused what it was, and Lanthier-Vincent then indicated that it was drugs, that is, methamphetamine pills.

Rather than hide the narcotics, the 39-year-old asked the just nine-year-old if she wanted some. The latter therefore consumed half a pill on the school grounds.

“She felt weird”

To check the effect of the drug on the girl, Lanthier-Vincent then invited her to go around the school with him before letting her into his class. “She spent the day at school and she felt weird, awake and restless,” said Crown prosecutor Me Mélanie Dufour.

However, the accused did not stop there. Once again designated to pick up the child at the end of classes, he again offered the child half a pill at this time.

The delivery man in a restaurant also brought the child to his place of work, where the employees noticed the “rather strange state” of the victim, without obviously suspecting that she was under the effect of a synthetic drug.

Even if the young girl was sick and did not sleep at night to the point of missing school the next day, a few days later, David Lanthier-Vincent did not refrain from offering drugs again to the victim, but by giving him a full pill rather than half a pill, always before dropping him off at school.

The reasons for this behavior were not explained to the judge.

Domestic violence

In addition to drug trafficking charges, the offender also pleaded guilty to a charge of domestic violence against the child’s mother.

The events took place a few months later, during a chicane, when Lanthier-Vincent pushed the woman, in particular to prevent her from calling the police.

The defendant received therapy for a few months before pleading guilty to the charges and today receiving a total sentence of two years in prison. He told the judge that he wanted to continue his therapy after his sentence.


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