‘Governet’ of passion in exile, by Alber Soler

If someone asks how the ‘procés’, the ‘republiqueta’ and the ‘quanta dignitat’ ended, show them the photo of the self-appointed “govern a l’exili”. And then, give that someone a shoulder to cry on. Few photos show this well decadence and decrepitude. The image of Vivales, Comín, Llach and -what is worse- of eight more whom nobody is able to name, trying to look like a government in which nobody believes, in the shade of a lemon tree and in a sardanista cobla pose , perhaps the Waterloo Principal, is so sad that no one feels like laughing at them anymore. I admit that they have provided us with endless laughter and that -‘mea maxima culpa’- I was the first to laugh at them, but to see now the pathos of the last lacists makes my heart shrink. I repent, Lord.

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