Gonzalo Martínez Pous is elected as Legal Vice President of Canieti

The National Chamber of the Electronic Industry, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (Canieti) chose the lawyer Gonzalo Martinez Pous as its new vice president of regulatory and legal affairs for the period 2022-2023.

The invitation to this position was made by the also new president of Canieti, Enrique Yamuni, in turn general director of mega cable.

Gonzalo Martínez Pous was previously regulatory commissioner in the former Federal Telecommunications Commission (Cofetel), between 2008 and 2012, and to date works as legal regulatory general director of Televisa Group.

Martínez Pous is a lawyer from the Escuela Libre de Derecho and has postgraduate studies at the Universidad Iberoamericana.

With around thirty years of career, he was also deputy general legal director of the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation; general director of regulatory aspects and legal instrumentation of Cofetel and head of the Legal Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, among other positions he has held.

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