Gertz Manero, do not forget

It often happens in the factory of national events in our country that a scandal, a bewilderment or a piece of important news arises at the moment when a critical issue for the government, for society or for both, is reaching its climax, displacing it of the national interest for the benefit of the accused.

Such a thing, apparently, is happening with the matter of the slowest prosecutor in the world for matters of common interest and the fastest when trying to fix his own objectives: Alejandro Gertz Manero, who after the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) in favor of the protection of the ladies Laura Morán and her daughter Alejandra Cuevas Morán, which meant a severe blow to their desire for revenge on mother and daughter and whose loss of prestige grew exponentially among the citizenry; when he was about to lose the face with which to present himself socially, at the moment when things turned ant-colored —an expression equivalent, in colloquial language, to things turned to hell—, when like Juan Charrasqueado only López Obrador consoled him with affection, in the manufacturing industry of official events two products emerged that expressed to the heartless prosecutor, “get off, get off, here we go.”

Such news merchandise that relieved the malicious plot of the prosecutor from the foreground in the media, is constituted by the third report on the Ayotzinapa case, of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) who released a video recorded through a drone of the Secretary of the Navy, which did not appear in the official investigations, in which alleged elements of that Secretary are observed handling evidence in the garbage dump of Cocula, Guerrero, hours before the arrival of the Attorney General of the Republic, Jesús Murillo Karam, accompanied by the prosecutor Tomás Zerón de Lucio, now hidden in Israel, as well as the experts of the institution to make the theatrical leadership in which they discovered the charred remains of the young students of the Normal Rural Isidro Burgos, which Murillo Karam used to declare that after a display of technical research, the so-called “historical truth” was reached.

Of course, this news has caused a stir in the media, calling into question what the Attorney General said at the time, although there were those of us who never believed the tired Hidalguense. (See The Privilege of Opinion in El Economista of 11/XI/2014).

This news, together with everything related to the Revocation of Mandate next Sunday, has not left an agate line or a few seconds available for the printed and audiovisual media to give an account of the future of Gertz Manero, who at least is going to have to pay a good compensation to Alejandra Cuevas for the 528 days in prison for “intentional homicide by omission” crime of which the prosecutor is still the inventor. The responsibility of the Mexico City prosecutor, Ernestina Godoy, who allowed the preventive detention of Mrs. Cuevas, should also be reviewed.

As for the recall exercise on Sunday, I think that all those who since the first day of AMLO’s mandate have been against all the measures taken by the 4T, take advantage of the occasion to get rid of such an ominous ruler. Although, as I have found out, on the contrary, they are called not to vote and have invented the “Terminas y te vas” (TyTV) movement whose idiotic proposal is that the president go to his house when he finishes his term. (The leader of the movement must be a certain Perogrullo).

Final point

When one is not right but asks for forgiveness, it is honest. When you’re not sure you’re right and ask for forgiveness, you’re wise. But when you’re right and you know you’re right and ask for forgiveness despite that, you’re married.

Manuel Wormwood

Writer and television screenwriter

The Privilege of Opinion

Mexican television writer. He is known for having written the scripts for programs such as Ensalada de Locos, La carabina de Ambrosio, La Güereja and something else, El privilege de manda, among others.

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