Garzón gives his blessing to Yolanda Díaz as leader of the left: “She is our best asset”

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The federal coordinator of IU, Alberto Garzón, has detailed that the left must form an “attractive” project for the next electoral cycle given the now “remote” possibility of a coalition government formed by PP and Vox, something “deeply dangerous for the liberties and the public “. In that sense, he has detailed that the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, is the “best asset” to achieve it.

Garzón has assured that both IU and United We can “protect” it so that it “embodies that new project”, whose objective is to expand and “add many people who stayed along the way.”

During his speech at the meeting this Saturday of the Federal Coordinator of IU, Garzón has again warned that there is a “reactionary wave” at the international level with a “growing” space of conservative values.

This dynamic, according to Garzón, can materialize in the option of a coalition between “the right and the extreme right” to govern, a possibility that raises “concern” in his organization despite the fact that the general elections are still “far” away.

“But we must not forget that that possibility is enormously dangerous for the interests of the working class and enormously dangerous for the interests of the political project that we have defended from IU, “he has transferred his co-religionists.

In this way, the also Minister of Consumption has called to work “urgently and conscientiously” to present from the convergence United We Can an alternative to the conservative option that is “attractive and exciting” for young people, the working class and environmentalists , among other sectors.

Therefore and taking advantage of the changes in its political space, after the departure of former vice president Pablo Iglesias and the new “referentiality” of Díaz, the project of the progressive left must “improve” because it aspires to the “majority”.

On the wire, Garzón has revealed that it is necessary to bet on a “wide space of confluence” that must add as much as possible from a progressive sensibility.

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