Flooding prompts closures of provincial campgrounds, trails, canoe routes

With the long weekend coming up, the Manitoba government is reminding residents that some provincial campgrounds, trails and canoe routes are closed due to flooding.

On Tuesday, the province issued a news release saying that it advises against travel in Duck Mountain and Nopiming Provincial Parks due to washed out roads.

All campgrounds, canoe routes and back country campsites are closed in Duck Mountain, Nopiming and Manigotagan River Provincial Parks, while some of the trails in Turtle Mountain and Whiteshell Provincial Parks are also closed, including the Mantario Trail.

Manitoba has put watercraft restrictions in place in Nopiming and Whiteshell Provincial Parks, with recreational motorboat traffic prohibited within 100 meters of shorelines.

A full list of lake and boat launch closures can be found on-line.

The following campgrounds are also experiencing closures and delayed openings:

Blue Lakes, Childs Lake, Singush Lake and Wellman Lake campgrounds in Duck Mountain Provincial Park are closed until at least May 27;

Bird Lake, Beresford Lake, Black Lake, Shoe Lake and Tulabi Falls campgrounds in Nopiming Provincial Park are closed until at least June 2;

There is a partial closure of sites at Manipogo Provincial Park campground until at least May 27;

There is a partial closure of some sites at Nutimik Lake, Opapiskaw and Otter Falls campgrounds in Whiteshell Provincial Park until at least May 27;

  • White Lake Campground in Whiteshell Provincial Park is closed until at least June 2;
  • There is a partial closure of some sites at St. Malo Provincial Park until at least June 2;
  • There is a partial closure of some sites in low-lying areas at Rivers Provincial Park campground until at least June 2;
  • There is a partial closure of sites in low-lying areas of Watchorn Provincial Park campground until at least May 27; and
  • Lake St. George Provincial Park campground is closed until further notice.

All other provincial park campgrounds will be open for the May long weekend.

The province reminds visitors to check the conditions before heading to provincial parks this spring.

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