Federico Gómez Children’s Hospital gets ready for a “higher than expected” rebound in Covid-19 cases

Recognizing that the rebound in Covid-19 infections due to the Omicron variant minors are already affected more than expected, the Children’s Hospital of Mexico Federico Gómez instructed his staff to take extreme precautions for self-protection, while applying new measures to attend to and detect positive cases.

Through a circular addressed to all its staff, the general director of this Children’s Hospital, Dr. Jaime Nieto Zermeño, expressed that “it is clear that the upturn in Ómicron is already affecting the hospital, both in patients and in staff, associated with a greater than expected increase in airway infections in children.”

Therefore, it ordered, among other things, to convert various areas of the hospital into Covid areas, in addition to carrying out a rapid test of coronavirus to all patients who come to the emergency room.

In internal matters, all the staff and particularly the resident nurses were called to take extreme precautions for self-protection, that is, “take care of themselves as if all patients had Covid-19.”

Meanwhile, due to the high percentage of disabilities of health personnel, caused by infections, the collaboration of the nursing staff was requested to refrain as much as possible from requesting work permits.

While the assigned doctors must cover support guards in the areas Covid-19, while they must visit their patients daily in these areas.

The Ministry of Health registered 20,626 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 94 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.

The number of daily infections this Wednesday, January 5, is the highest recorded for almost five months. The last time a similar record was had was during the third wave, on August 26, 2021, when the federal agency reported 20,633 infections.

The daily technical report on the advance of the pandemic in Mexico detailed that the accumulated number of infections due to this disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 increased to 4 million 29,274 cases; while the death toll increased to 299,805 deaths.



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