Far Right: Kill the Messenger, by Astrid Barrio

Theradical rightDespite the heterogeneity of this ideological family, it is characterized by having a common political agenda that contests most of the consensuses on which post-war democratic Europe was built and thanks to which, once the Berlin Wall was torn down, it spread until it almost acquired a continental dimension, at least until now. An exacerbated nationalism, hostility towards immigration and cultural differences of religious origin and, therefore, more xenophobic than properly racist, a outright rejection of gender policies, relativism when not directly denial regarding climate change and euroscepticism to a variable degree, associated with the perception of loss of sovereignty implied by the European project. A content covered by a continent with a clear tendency to abuse bad manners, false news and an illiberal drive in the exercise of power and that has been identified with the blurred concept of populism.

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