Family violence prevents rebuilding the social fabric

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador affirms that the best way to reduce violence and crime is by rebuilding the social fabric.

But what is the social fabric?

To understand what it is, I transcribe the definition that I found on the site: “It is a metaphor for how well community members interact with each other. If all the individual members are considered as threads, the ‘social fabric’ is formed by making those members interact, thus weaving the threads together. The tighter the weave (the more frequently and positively

members interact with each other), the stronger the fabric; the looser the weave, the weaker the fabric and the more likely it is to tear (conflicts pit one group against another), fray (lose members), develop loose threads (criminals), and otherwise suffer. Improving the social fabric, then, means providing more and better interactions between community members so that they can make more friends, be more involved, be happy, be more willing to help someone when there is a need, and be inspired to maintain their village. as a positive and pleasant place to live.”

According to this definition it is obvious that the social fabric in Mexico is torn or frayed in most of its communities.

The strength or weakness of the fabric begins in families and if there is violence within them, it is difficult for the community to which they belong to have a strong fabric.

The Federal Penal Code in its Article 343 Bis states that “Commits the crime of family violence whoever carries out acts or conduct of domination, control or physical, psychological, patrimonial or economic aggression, to any person with whom he is or has been. united by marriage, consanguinity, affinity or civil kinship, concubinage, or a partner relationship inside or outside the family home. Whoever commits the crime of family violence will be sentenced from six months to four years in prison and will lose the right to alimony”, while in its Article 343 Ter it adds that “It is equated to family violence and will be punished with six months. to four years in prison to the one who performs any of the acts indicated in the previous article against the person who is subject to the custody, guardianship, protection, education, instruction or care of said person.

The numbers show that the 4T government’s efforts to rebuild the social fabric are probably not giving the expected results because family violence is on the rise.

Last May, according to SESNSP data, 27,108 cases of family violence were reported, the highest number for a month of May since 2015. And, during the first five months of this year, the number of reports was 110,138, the highest number for a January-May period since 2015. In the first four years of the current government, the number of complaints for the period of the first five months of a year increased 36.8 percent.

It is obvious that something is missing from the project of reconstruction of the social fabric of the federal and state governments of the 4T. The numbers indicate it.

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

Instagram: ruizhealy


Eduardo Ruiz-Healy

Journalist and producer

guest column

Opinionist, columnist, lecturer, media trainer, 35 years of experience in the media, microentrepreneur.

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