Family drama in 2019: Better domestic violence training demanded

Coroner Stéphanie Gamache pleads for better training in domestic violence for social and health workers in her report released Tuesday in the wake of the family tragedy that occurred in Montreal in 2019.

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Jonathan Pomares’ “incredible act of violence” forces coroner Gamache to recommend designating a resource person responsible for the domestic violence file at the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal and the CIUSSS du Centre. -South-of-the-Island-of-Montreal.

Jonathan Pomares, 40, savagely killed his two young children before taking their own life in the family home in Montreal on October 22, 2019.

Coroner Gamache also recommends offering basic and ongoing training on domestic violence to all the interveners, doctors and nurses of these two CIUSSS and better training them on lifting the confidentiality of information.

Pomares had been hospitalized nine days earlier for suicidal remarks and discharged two days later.

More details will follow…

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