Edmonton Symphony Orchestra announces new season

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The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) has simultaneously announced both their 2022/2023 season and the appointment of an Artistic Advisor, the American conductor Michael Stern.

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Stern has been the Music Director of the Kansas City Symphony since 2005, a post he is relinquishing at the end of the 2023 season. He has guest conducted major orchestras all across North America and the world and recorded extensively, notably contemporary American music with the IRIS Orchestra in Germantown, Tennessee.

He is not, though, a replacement for Chief Conductor Alex Prior, who finishes his tenure with a pair of concerts at the Winspear on June 17 and 18.

Instead, both Annemarie Petrov, the CEO of the ESO, and Stern see his role as a “reboot” of the orchestra after the shutdowns of the pandemic.

Like many larger organizations, the ESO was hit hard financially, and, Stern explains, needs to reconnect and rebuild.
“I think the role of the Artistic Advisor is to reawaken the connection of the orchestra to the community, which I think is essential.”

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He will also help run the search for Prior’s successor, conduct four concerts himself, and has been part of the team organizing the coming season, which of necessity had to be put together in a short time as the COVID-19 situation became clearer.

A very welcome return is the season’s traditional opener, Symphony Under the Sky, still at Hawrelak Park before it closes for refurbishment. The ever-popular Robert Bernhardt conducts two concerts, one of Hollywood hits, and the other of classical Festival favorites (Sept 3 and 4).

A notable feature of the new season is that the number of different series and packages that the ESO has offered in the past has been cut down to essentially two: the classical series and the pops series, with some specials, such as the traditional Messiah concert (Dec. 9-11), the kids’ concerts, and the Christmas Concert (Dec. 21-23).

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The season opens with a concert that will be a must for lovers of Baroque music. The conductor is the very distinguished early music specialist Nicholas McGegan, with soloists drawn from the ESO itself in works by Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, and Rameau (Oct 13 and 14).

Stern himself conducts (Nov. 4-6) an attractive program that includes the Grieg Piano Concerto, Stravinsky’s Firebird, and a new orchestral version of Carmen Braden’s The Raven Conspiracy, which has been heard here recently in its string quartet version. The soloist in the Grieg is the award-winning Israeli pianist Roman Rabinovich.

Bohuslav Martinů’s masterful Double Concerto for Two String Orchestras, Piano, and Timpani makes a welcome appearance (Nov 17-19), conducted by the Portuguese conductor Dinis Sousa.

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The new year sees Prokofiev’s Classical Symphony paired with Brahms’ Piano Concerto 1 and Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture, with the young conductor of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Yaniv Dinur, on the podium, and the Calgary-raised Canadian pianist Katherine Chi as soloist ( Jan 19 and 21). Valentine Silvestrov’s winsome Hymn-2001 for strings replaces the Tchaikovsky in a shortened version of the concert on January 20.

Stern returns (Feb 10-12) with a program built on the theme of spring: Copland’s Appalachian Spring and Schumann’s Symphony No. 1 “Spring”. Of especially interest will be Robert Uchida, the ESO’s concertmaster, in Prokofiev’s lyrical Violin Concerto No.1.

There’s an all-English concert on Feb 23 and 25, featuring Elgar’s Enigma Variations and the rare chance to hear Walton’s Viola Concerto, with the ESO’s Keith Hamm as soloist, and the experienced American Brett Mitchell conducting.

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Highlights of conductor Cosette Justo Valdés’ concert (March 3-5) are Aquamarine for organ and orchestra by the Edmontonian composer Jeffrey McCune and Saint-Saëns’ Organ Concerto. The organ soloist has not yet been announced.

The ESO’s Principal Cellist, Rafael Hoekman, plays Shostakovich’s powerful Cello Concerto No1, alongside Dvořák’s Symphony 8, with Kensho Watanabe conducting (March 16 and 18), while a popular visitor to Edmonton, Canadian pianist Sara Davis Buechner, plays Rachmaninov’s much-loved Piano Concerto No.2, with Jean-Marie Zeitouni conducting (April 28 and 29).

A major event will definitely be Beethoven’s Symphony No.9, conducted by Stern (May 4 and 6), alongside contemporary works by American composer Jessie Montgomery and Canadian Vivian Fuchs.

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The classics season ends with a concert aptly titled Romantic Favourites, with the young American violinist Timothy Choi as soloist Bruch’s Violin Concerto No 1, and Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.5, conducted by the Korean-Canadian Earl Lee, now the Assistant Conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

The ESO has also planned three concerts of new music, in November, April, and May, though these have yet to be finalized.

Highlights of the pops series include The Best of the Beatles (Oct 27 and 29), New Orleans jazz favorites (Feb 2 and 4), featuring popular pianist/vocalist Michael Kaeshammer, and a Hot Latin concert (April 21-22). The popular Canadian folk band The McDades will doubtless pull in the crowds in a concert titled Celtic Adventures (Nov 25 and 26).

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Two specials promise interesting evenings. Michael Stern conducts what is billed as an ESO Showcase on March 10 and 11, though details haven’t yet been announced. Music Director Emeritus William Eddins returns to conduct alongside Edmontonian Michael Massey, as the Edmonton Youth Orchestra join up with the ESO for a performance of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade and a work by Massey himself (April 15-16).

Finally, parents with musical children will be delighted to see the Beethoven Lives Upstairs special (Feb 18 and 19) among the concerts for kids.

Edmonton Symphony Orchestra

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