Eco-friendly DePIN project eTukTuk has raised $1 million in pre-sales – could TUK be ready to explode?

The eco-friendly DePIN project eTukTuk (TUK) has so far raised an impressive $1 million in pre-sales. These high figures demonstrate strong interest in the project’s goal of revolutionizing transportation in developing countries.

With pre-sale numbers already this high, the native TUK token looks poised for significant growth when it launches on exchanges later this year.

How eTukTuk uses DePIN to fight climate change

So, what exactly is eTukTuk and how does it leverage decentralized infrastructure?

Simply put, eTukTuk aims to combat climate change by deploying electric tuk-tuks and charging stations in developing countries.

It uses the DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure networks) model to optimize this process.

Specifically, eTukTuk uses token incentives on the BNB Chain and Cardano networks. In this way, individuals are involved in the construction and maintenance of the network.

TUK holders can host charging stations to earn rewards, with developers and community members encouraged to get involved.

This DePIN approach allows eTukTuk to scale much faster by relying on a decentralized community rather than centralized management.

This also promotes sustainability, as the community will follow environmentally friendly practices.

Additionally, as noted in the eTukTuk white paper, using TUK as the charging network’s primary payment method will enable financial inclusion for unbanked populations.

However, eTukTuk will not only promote electric tuk-tuks and charging stations.

The project development team also plans to launch a Crazy Taxi-style play-to-earn (P2E) game based on the streets of Sri Lanka.

eTukTuk pre-sale hits $1 million as investors clamor for early entry

Now focusing on the pre-sales phase of eTukTuk, the project has now raised just over $1 million in seed funding, with investors from around the world clamoring to get involved.

This incredible performance, mainly due to growing interest from environmentally conscious investors, brings eTukTuk poised to enter the next stage of its pre-sale.

The project now only requires $130,000 more. Given the increasing pace of investments, the project could reach the financing stage within a few days.

Such remarkable pre-sale success highlights the immense potential of eTukTuk, with additional price increases of 3% per step enticing investors to buy early.

Those who invested early are now looking at theoretical gains of 31%, demonstrating why many view eTukTuk as a promising pre-sale opportunity., a widely used website that tracks crypto launch trends, awarded the project 5th place.

Additionally, eTukTuk has managed to build a community of over 11,000 people on Telegram, with more joining every day.

Can TUK show exponential growth potential once listed on the stock exchange?

With immense pre-sale hype, many investors are wondering if TUK’s value could explode once listed on the stock exchange.

Given the project’s ambitious roadmap, high rewards, and influencer support, the native token appears well-positioned for such a price surge.

eTukTuk plans to aggressively expand its electric vehicle network across the Asia-Pacific region over the next three years.

It will install charging points and use AI systems to optimize efficiency, with TUK helping to encourage community participation.

Additionally, TUK holders can earn a staggering 216% APY in staking rewards, ensuring a strong “buy and hold” approach post-launch.

Top YouTubers like Jacob Bury and Michael Wrubel have also supported the project, discussing the potential of eTukTuk to their combined audience of over 337,000 subscribers.

With exchange listings rumored to be in the works, demand for a limited supply of 2 billion TUK tokens could create the ideal conditions for growth.

If eTukTuk can successfully scale and progress towards its sustainability goals, TUK could be one of the must-see cryptocurrency launches of the year.

Visit the eTukTuk presale



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