Echoes of Mandate Revocation

There are many comments and opinions that arose as a result of the electoral exercise called Mandate Revocation, from those who affirmed that it was an unprecedented democratic process that demonstrates the strength and sympathy that President López Obrador has among the citizens, to those who qualified him of farce and failure; carousel of anomalies, traps and illegalities; an unusable expense of 1,700 million pesos. Even the minority of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, the majority who left for Morena a long time ago, asked for the referendum to be annulled. How do they complain about a practice in which 1,700 million pesos were spent uselessly and ask that the operation be repeated? The annulment leads to the reiteration of the invalidated. Do not?

Get on it, there are still places! Get him on,” Mario Delgado shouted like a minibus driver. Do you want to vote? I’ll take it for free to your box —offered his wide truck. I’ll wait for you to vote for you know who and I’ll return it to his house if you just show me your right thumb inking. turn him up! The vote is free!

The chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard, after voting, obviously, in favor of Andrés Manuel López Obrador ending his government on September 1, 2024 – not one more day, the editor notes – sent several messages via Twitter, among others This one: “ I already had to vote, with great pleasure also. It is a great exercise. Very few countries have something like the Revocation of Mandate that is now implemented in Mexico where citizens can determine if the president in office ends or does not finish his term. I think that the formulation of the phrase pronounced by Marcelo: “where the citizenry can determine if the president in office ends or does not finish his term”, he should have articulated it like this: “where the president in office determines whether or not he ends his term ”.

It is a fact that the remainder of the administration will have to talk about before and after the Revocation of the Mandate, because as of yesterday two wars were inaugurated in the country. One will be the one starring the federal government headed by President López Obrador, who feels strengthened by the result of Sunday’s exercise, against the National Electoral Institute (INE) which he plans to exterminate. The other confrontation will be over the candidacy of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) for the presidency of the Republic (2024-2030). It will be a fight between three: One is the spoiled one of her teacher, Claudia Sheinbaum, who as Head of Government of Mexico City, has shown discipline and obedience to the boss, but, perhaps, is not well known in the rest of the world. country. Of the three contenders, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard is the most experienced politician; he also has a good number of allies on other fronts. Regarding the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, a countryman and a good friend of Andrés Manuel, in recent weeks he has shown that he wants to go for all the marbles.

Yesterday in the space that El Economista gave to “his pens” so that we could briefly express our opinion on what happened. Among what I wrote, I expressed: “One figure was exaggerated, 354,758 citizens showed up at the polls and nullified their vote.” When I delivered my writing I made the editor Héctor Molina see that it seemed outrageous to me that 2.1% of the voters had left their homes, going to their polling places to end up annulling their votes. Héctor told me that among that number of votes was that of AMLO who wrote on the ballot: Long live Zapata! I understood something that when expressing my comment I did not take into account. Of those almost 355,000 people who annulled their vote, many did so deliberately, issuing, the fans of the Tabascan: May he stay forever! The ill-wishers: Let him go today!. The desmadrosas: Puto the one who reads it!

Manuel Wormwood

Writer and television screenwriter

The Privilege of Opinion

Mexican television writer. He is known for having written the scripts for programs such as Ensalada de Locos, La carabina de Ambrosio, La Güereja and something else, El privilege de manda, among others.

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