Dramatic reduction in delays at 311

Despite a slight increase in the number of requests, the 311 service was able to significantly improve its average response time to calls and emails in the past year.

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Across the City, telephone response times decreased by 63%, to 1 minute 37. Nearly three of these were answered in less than 100 seconds, while that the rate was 49% for 2020.

As for emails, the average response time went from 4.1 days to 2.1 days.

In total, the City received 744,802 communications in 2021, an increase of 1.5% compared to the previous year.

“You could say that this is the best year in the life of 311”, underlined in this regard, Josée Bédard, director of the citizen experience and communications in Montreal, who presented the results of operations to the executive committee of the City. .

Currently, 12 boroughs work together within the City’s 311 Service Center, while the remaining seven operate in parallel. However, these averages include the 19 Montreal boroughs.

The grouped boroughs all perform better than the non-grouped ones. For the former, the average waiting time on the telephone is 33 seconds, and one day for emails.

In this respect, Mercier – Hochelaga-Maisonneuve can serve as an example, as it went from dunce to one of the most efficient boroughs after making the transition to the Service Centre.

Its level of telephone service has increased from 22% to 96%, and email delays, from 14.1 days to 1.2 days. The sample is limited, however, with only one month of data within the boroughs grouped together.

“The more boroughs we group together, the greater the strike force we have, and the better it allows us to gauge with the schedules of the employees to ensure that we follow the planning properly,” explained Ms. Bédard, who adds that it allows at 311 to have more leeway.

She reveals that her team plans to add a thirteenth borough to the Service Center by the end of the year.


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