Discussion on electricity reform postponed

Morena and her allies renege on the agreement and out of desperation move the discussion to Sunday. It is a lack of respect for each and every deputy.”

Luis E. Cházaro, coordinator of the PRD Deputies.

A few hours after the Plenary of San Lázaro began the voting process for the electrical reform sent by President Andrés Manual López Obrador, Morena and its allies (PT and PVEM) asserted their majority to postpone the discussion of this opinion until next Sunday, April 17.

Last night, after the committees modified the draft ruling on the electricity reform initiative, the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) of San Lázaro agreed to change, at the last minute, the legislative calendar.

And it is that despite the rejection of the Va Por México alliance (PRI, PAN and PRD), the parliamentary leaders of Morena, PT and PVEM, used their majority to postpone the vote on this reform for five days under the argument that The modifications to the opinion must be analyzed and known in time by all the parties and society.

However, the parliamentary leaders of Va Por México charged that such a change is part of a strategy by the official party to gain time, by not having the necessary votes to approve said reform.

Opponent Votes

It should be noted that the approval of the electricity reform requires the approval of two thirds of the legislators, so Morena requires the support of at least 57 votes from the opposition.

“We say it clearly: (Morena) has a whole week to make the decisions they want, go ahead, they have a majority and a weighted vote in Jucopo (…) Those supposed reserves that rise, dial based on our proposal, do not correspond to our proposal, make it so that the phrase remains like this: whatever the majority wants, they do not have National Action, they do not have the coalition to approve this electricity reform”, launched the deputy Jorge Romero Herrera, coordinator of the PAN, at the end of the Jucopo meeting.

In the same sense, the coordinator of the PRD, Luis E. Cházaro, criticized that the Jucopo already had a unanimous agreement to vote today on the electrical reform, however, he expressed that despite the time requested to analyze the modifications to the opinion, his party reiterates its rejection of this lack of respect for the time of the deputies.

“We have voted against deputy Rubén Moreira, deputy Jorge Romero and a server, and in favor of the ruling bloc, unprecedented in the Chamber of Deputies that a reform of this magnitude changes the day and time with a hand on the waist “, said.

At the same time, he considered that the modification of the calendar is due “to one more defeat of the ruling party; They do not have the votes and now they are looking to buy time, I am going to return to form the agreement.”

“It was agreed in Jucopo – unanimously – that tomorrow (today) Tuesday the electricity reform would be voted on, now, with their precarious majority, Morena and her allies are not complying with the agreement and out of desperation they are moving the discussion to Sunday. It is a lack of respect for each and every deputy,” added the PRD.

Meanwhile, the coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and president of the Political Coordination Board, Rubén Moreira Valdez, acknowledged that after a broad debate, but with the vote against the Va por México coalition, the agreement was signed. to move the session to the next Sunday, with the promise that until then no session would be scheduled.

Earlier, the PRI legislators, with suitcase in hand, went to their offices in the Chamber of Deputies, with the intention of spending the night in the legislative chamber and thus ensuring their assistance in the discussion of this reform.

“We will be here, surely we will be here from Saturday to prevent someone from missing (…) we changed the sleepover for Saturday,” Moreira joked.

Due to the above, the president of San Lázaro, deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, summoned a face-to-face session next Sunday, April 17 at 10 a.m.

business posture

After the decision to postpone the electricity reform session, the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) distanced itself from said action while stating that the Private Initiative has already expressed its position on the subject.

“We have already clearly stated our concerns and valuable proposals. This was also done by a large number of business organizations, specialists, academics, environmentalists, activists and youth organizations, which were not attended. Unfortunately, the ruling did not include those recommendations,” he stated.

The CCE emphasized that “it is not negotiating anything in this opinion with Congress.” (With editorial information)

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