Deputies, third call, third

Not even the modern megabytes or gigabytes are enough to measure the sum of sayings, declarations, summonses and positions on the presidential initiative of electrical reform. No more.

Today we will know if behind the official and opposition narratives there is any shred of will to dialogue and agree. Or if we have passed the point of no return and dialogue between the government and the opposition is impossible.

Some wonder how to make the invitation of the president of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies a reality, while so many describe as traitors to the Homeland those who do not approve of the presidential initiative.

Alert, danger! Only one analysis is worth!

Rivers of ink will run in the print media and the electronic ones will spend hours analyzing the reasons and consequences of last Sunday’s vote for the Revocation of the Presidential Mandate. It will be a sterile effort.

The most lucid and powerful characters of Morena tremble when listening to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s morning statistics romp about last Sunday’s vote, since he subjected it to a thorough review.

They also know that public narrative is one thing and their expert analysis of information is another. Only he knows what he expected. For the most lucid and powerful of Morena, it is the analysis that matters, because its conclusion is unappealable.

A ghostly conservative walks in the Palace

Yesterday, April 10, a group of governors was summoned to the National Palace. They talked about vaccines, the media tell us, yes, but they also talked about how to make it a reality that the leaders hand over their state health systems to the Federal Government.

It is about replacing the federalist decentralization of the health sector of more than 25 years ago and replacing it with a centralist federal control of all the systems of the Republic.

Well? Evil? Time will tell, but as was already said in this space of El Economista, it is paradoxical that such a liberal government applies the centralist doctrine of the demonized conservative paradigm: Don Lucas Alamán.

Swirling Notes

Sterile the controversy of Fadlala Akabani, Secretary of Economic Development of CDMX with Coparmex on how many businesses closed due to the crisis in this capital, because the official has no argument that contradicts the restaurateurs that, to recover pre-pandemic employment levels, they will spend still two or three years. Things from real Mexico… Because he did not study political science, he believed that the deputies represented the voters of their district or constituency. Well no. They represent the Nation. There is always something to learn… Governors were told that yes, they will vaccinate minors against Covid… Emilio Lozoya is waiting a long time to authorize the arrangement for him to be released. Now he has to wait for the judiciary to return from vacation. Ah, the blessed traditions, what would we do without them?… In times of dialogues of the deaf, this diagnosis by Frank Kafka is valid: “Whoever does not feel it, it is not possible to make him understand”…

Joseph Fonseca

Political Journalist

political cafe

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