Cuixart leaves the presidency of Omnium

Jordi Cuixart will no longer be president of Òmnium. This was announced this Friday in an interview on RAC-1, where he argued that it is time for “new leadership”.

Neither Cuixart nor the current vice president, Marcel Mauri, will stand for re-election at the next Ordinary General Assembly.

If the bases ratify it, the new president will be Xavier Antich, as Cuixart himself has explained. The assembly in which his departure from the presidency of Òmnium will be made official will be held on February 26: “There was no better time to pass the baton than now,” Cuixart concluded.

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Antich (La Seu d’Urgell, 1962) is a philosopher, writer and professor at the University of Girona, and president of the Fundació Tàpies.

Cuixart, proclaimed at the end of 2015, leaves office after more than six years, and after having held the position while imprisoned on 1-O.

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