Covid for Christmas, by Álex Sàlmon

The freedom to think that the COVID threat is a invention of some hidden power it’s as reasonable as license to consider that idea crazy and dangerous. Living in the normality of personal freedom opens the doors to these considerations. Who are you to tell me what to do?

For the good, the 21st century passes within the framework of a principle of legality that defends individual rights. But that rule can go against and become selfish. No one grants me individual freedom to set my house on fire if I live in a community of neighbors. The building could end in flames. And if it were an isolated farm, the forest or the countryside would be in danger. Freedom as a human being has some community boundaries.

Doubts about vaccines make us reflect on these issues. While the approaches are theoretical, everything is word. When they become concrete, everyday, real issues, the solution becomes complicated and is framed in that your freedom does not limit mine.

Does a Christmas meal with vaccinated family members make sense and others don’t? Are we therefore doomed to arguments between relatives? If the vaccination rate in Spain is 79.1%, does it mean that at least two out of ten sitting at the table will have decided not to get vaccinated?

Because one thing is clear: whoever does not get vaccinated wants to explain it. And defend their freedom in public. Milita in it, even if the grandfather or the cousin visit the ICU a few days after the meeting. Or not.

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Here the social contract developed by the contradictory Rousseau counts as a form of coexistence. Rights, in exchange for limiting certain freedoms granted by nature. Our contemporaneity has given us tools to understand it and build a mixture of everything. My individual freedom at the service of the community. It doesn’t sound bad.

And so, if 80% of my society has been vaccinated and does not seem infected and is still alive, it may be worth getting vaccinated to sing fum, fum, fum, with grandmother. But it is just an idea. Better than putting someone else at risk or staying home alone.

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