COVID-19 Outbreak Declared in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory – Kingston | The Canadian News

The Quinte Bay Mohawks and Hastings Prince Edward Public Health have declared a COVID-19 outbreak in the Mohawk Territory of Tyendinaga.

The outbreak was called on Friday after six people tested positive in a span of less than three days.

Still, it is possible that the outbreak began on September 16, according to a press release from both organizations.

Read more:

Potential Low Risk COVID-19 Exposure at 2 Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Businesses

As of Tuesday, there are still six cases associated with the outbreak.

The health unit is also registering two cases related to an outbreak in the Tyendinaga public school.

The region as a whole saw 20 new cases Tuesday, with a total of 35 active cases in Hastings and Prince Edward counties.

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