Covid-19 Omicron Variant Thwarts Sundance Film Festival; it will be virtual

The Sundance Film Festival It canceled all its face-to-face programming this Wednesday due to the rapid spread of the Ómicron variant in the United States, deciding to make all premieres virtually.

The exhibition, which is held annually in Utah, western United States, had planned to work with a mixed format in its January 2022 edition, just like last year, carrying out face-to-face events with sanitary measures, and virtual projections.

“Despite the most ambitious protocols, the Omicron variant, with its unexpectedly high transmissibility, is challenging the limits of travel and health security, among others, in the United States,” organizers said in a statement.

“That is why we are announcing that the festival’s face-to-face events in Utah will take place virtually this year.”

Co-founded by actor Robert Redford, Sundance projects the best of independent film, art and documentaries.

Among the films selected for this year are “jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy”, a documentary that brings together more than twenty years of images shot by Clarence “Coodie” Simmons, a longtime friend of Kanye West.

The festival de Sundance It will take place between January 20 and 30.


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