COVID-19 Live Updates: Quebec Parents Can Reserve Vaccines for Children Ages 5-11

As of this morning, the appointment booking site Clic Santé has an option for young children.

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Updated throughout the day on Tuesday, November 23. Questions / Comments: [email protected]


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Major updates

  • Quebec parents can book vaccinations for children ages 5 to 11
  • Quebec regions struggle with lower vaccination rates and school outbreaks
  • 45% of Canadians Plan to Ditch Social Distancing at Holiday Gatherings: Survey
  • A Guide to Quebec’s COVID-19 Vaccine Passport
  • A Guide to COVID-19 Vaccines in Quebec
  • Here are the current pandemic restrictions in Montreal and Quebec
  • Sign up for our free nightly coronavirus newsletter

10:15 am

Quebec parents can book vaccinations for children ages 5 to 11

At 5 pm, Prime Minister François Legault and Health Minister Christian Dubé are ready to announce Quebec’s plan to vaccinate children ages five to 11.

But parents can now start reserving vaccinations at Click on Health.

As of this morning, the appointment booking site has an option to reserve vaccination spaces for younger children.


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Quebec has said it will take a hybrid approach for this age group.

Children can receive the vaccine at school or parents can accompany them to mass vaccination clinics.

The province hopes to provide a first dose to all children whose parents approve it before December 25.

Health Canada last week approved Pfizer-BioNTech as the first vaccine for use in young children.

The United States has been giving the same injection, one-third the size of the adult version, for about three weeks.

10 a. M.

Quebec regions struggle with lower vaccination rates and school outbreaks

As Quebec prepares to vaccinate young children against COVID-19, regions of the province with the lowest vaccination rates are trying to fend off recent increases in new cases.


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In terms of transmission, schools have remained a problem during the fourth wave. Last week, massive tests carried out after an outbreak at a Magog elementary school revealed more than 60 cases.

Read our full story, by Jesse Feith.

10 a. M.

45% of Canadians Plan to Ditch Social Distancing at Holiday Gatherings: Survey

Nearly half of Canadians plan to abandon social distancing during Christmas gatherings and hug, kiss and shake hands with friends and family, a new survey shows.

Leger’s poll in collaboration with The Canadian Press found that 45 percent of Canadians say they will “greet others with a handshake, a hug or a kiss” at Christmas parties and other holiday gatherings.

Read our full story.

9:15 am

The situation in Canada

Here is the growth rate of cases per 100,000 people during the last seven days, through the latest epidemiological update from the federal government .


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9:15 am

A Guide to Quebec’s COVID-19 Vaccine Passport

The Quebec vaccination passport is mandatory for people over the age of 13 who want to access services and activities that the provincial government considers non-essential, including bars, restaurants, gyms, festivals and sporting events.

Quebecers can use a smartphone app to check their vaccination status or simply carry their QR code on paper.

The application is available on the Apple App Store and on Google Play. .

We’ve published two guides to passports: one looks at how to download and configure the app, and another answers key questions about the system, including how, when, and why.

You can find more information on the Quebec government website: one page has details on how the system works, and another has a list of places where a vaccine passport will be required .


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A test scan of a vaccine passport is displayed at an Econofitness gym in Laval on August 17, 2021.
A test scan of a vaccine passport is displayed at an Econofitness gym in Laval on August 17, 2021. Photo by Christinne Muschi /REUTERS

9:15 am

A Guide to COVID-19 Vaccines in Quebec

Local health authorities have established mass vaccination sites throughout Montreal.

You can book appointments through the Clic Santé website or by phone at 1-877-644-4545.

Quebecers can also visit AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Clinics Walk-In .

Here are the practical details on getting vaccinated, by Katherine Wilton. Your guide includes the age groups you are targeting, how to book appointments, and directions to vaccination centers.

9:15 am

Here are the current pandemic restrictions in Montreal and Quebec

We regularly update our list of open, closed or changed services in Montreal and Quebec, including information on curfew and other lockdown measures.


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You can read it here.

9:15 am

This is where Montréal can get tested today

Montrealers can be screened in test centers all over the island.

For other parts of Quebec, see this page on the Quebec government site .

08:30 am

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Read my previous live blogs here.



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