Coronavirus does not distinguish between men and women in Mexico

Mexico accumulates more than 3.7 million confirmed cases of Covid-19, of which just over half of the people infected between February 2020 and October 2021 were women, while about 49% were men, according to data from the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt). Although the coronavirus does not distinguish between women and men when spreading in the country, the fatalities from Covid-19 have been mostly males, with 61.82% of registered deaths.

One year eight months after the first cases of the new coronavirus were detected in the country, 15.74% of the people who became ill from the SAR-CoV-2 coronavirus have had to be hospitalized, while eight out of 10 have received outpatient care . According to data from the federal Ministry of Health, hospital occupancy is already 85% lower than the maximum level reached in January 2021, when the second wave of infections was registered.

The effects of the pandemic in the country show a clear correlation between severe or fatal cases of Covid-19 and more common health conditions faced by the Mexican population. Hypertension is the most common comorbidity associated with Covid-19 cases in Mexico; obesity ranks second, with a 12.36% presence in confirmed cases and diabetes, 11.24 percent.

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