Congress of Peru approves law to exempt from taxes the most consumed foods

The Peruvian Congress approved this Tuesday a law that allows tax exemptions on foods of greater consumption in order to mitigate the inflationary impact and the incipient economic crisis generated in part by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The law to exempt products from the basic family basket from the General Sales Tax (IGV) was approved with 95 votes in favor, 10 against and 3 abstentions.

The proposal will take effect from May 1 to July 31.

Among the products that are subject to the exemption are chicken, eggs, wheat flour, noodles, sugar and meat products.

After being approved by Parliament last Thursday, the law was observed by the Executive over the weekend, because Congress distorted the bill to exempt some supposedly luxury foods from taxes, such as fine loin, goose, pheasant, hen, Guinea and lasagna.

The head of the ministerial cabinet, Aníbal Torres, warned on Twitter that the exemptions approved by Parliament add up to about 3.2 billion soles (about 865,000 dollars), which will not allow basic services, hospitals, schools, police stations, water and drainage projects to be attended. , irrigation infrastructure, among others.

Torres requested that the law be corrected, estimating that it is an error by Congress, which, he recalled, does not have the capacity to determine the expense.

Peru has lived so far in April violent days of protests in rejection of the increase in food and fuel prices, driven in part by the war in Ukraine.

Inflation in March was 1.48%, its highest monthly peak in 26 years.


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