Confirm murder of 5 students in Guanajuato

The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, Jorge Hernández Meza, confirmed that there were five students murdered in a high school in Salamanca.

“We are very sorry for the events and we have been in direct contact with the three teachers who are very shocked there, with the classmates of the students who were right next to the events and who were severely affected and we have been organizing from the Ministry of Education psychological support,” he told local media.

In total, six people would have died from the events: five students between 17 and 18 years of age and an older woman who was hit by the burst of bullets.

According to versions of people who were close to the events and who were picked up by local media, the evening shift students were leaving class when two motorcycles with armed men and a truck approached them.

After that, subjects carrying long weapons opened fire on the students. The same subjects then boarded the vehicles and escaped. In the place they left a cardboard with presumably the name of an armed group.

According to data from the inter-institutional group of the federal government, in the first six days of June in Guanajuato there have been 63 intentional homicides.

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