China will finance works for 1,100 million dollars in Argentina to expand the electricity network

In the midst of a heat wave and after criticism from the Secretary of Energy, Darío Martínez, regarding the lack of investment in infrastructure during the previous administration, the Argentine government announced an agreement for 1.1 billion dollars of Chinese financing for works that will allow the extension of the electrical network.

“We are facing an increase in production and a heat wave. It is enough with the energy we generate, but we are facing a moment of greater demand. We had not generated a new kilometer of line for four years,” the official said about the current context and government measures to avoid cuts.

In this framework, the negotiation between the Ministry of Energy and the Chinese company CET points to the construction of a new Transformer Station and more than 500 km of high and extra-high voltage power lines in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires, the “largest in the last 30 years” in the area according to an official statement.

The meeting between Martínez and the Undersecretary of Electric Power, Federico Basualdo, was with the authorities of the company China Electric Power Equipment and Technology (CET), and its branch CET Argentina.

The work will allow expanding the existing electricity supply capacity in the AMBA, “especially from new sources of renewable origin, it will strengthen the energy ring to guarantee the reliability of operations and the safe supply of the most populated area with the highest demand in the country. and will make the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI) more efficient”, stressed Energy after the meeting. For this, they are working on an engineering design, supply and construction contract for the work “Project for the improvement of the 500 kV National Network Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires Stage I”, with an investment of more than US$1,100 million,” he remarked. the area that depends on the Ministry of Economy Diplomatic representatives and the Bank of China Argentine branch and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China also participated.

“The investment of more than 1,100 million dollars will be possible thanks to collaboration, joint work and cooperation between Argentina and China,” said the Undersecretary of Electric Power Basualdo.

The AMBA I Project will reinforce the energy ring of the Metropolitan Area through the construction of a new node, the Plomer 500/220/132 kV Transformer Station, given that the Ezeiza and General Rodríguez Substations already operate at the limit of their capacity in terms of load.

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