Chile approves compensatory rest for public health workers

The Congress of Chile approved this Wednesday a law that establishes a compensatory rest of 14 days, within a period of 3 years, for all public health workers who faced the pandemic.

The project, presented by the communist deputy Karol Cariola, will benefit 254,000 workers of the public health system, including assistants and administrative personnel, to whom it will deliver for “one time and exceptionally, the benefit called” reparatory rest “”, consisting of 14 business days off.

The benefit may be used for three years from the date of publication of the law, which this Wednesday was approved by a unanimous majority of 120 votes in the Chamber of Deputies and was ready to be promulgated.

To be entitled to rest, the beneficiaries must have worked in the public service as of September 30, 2020 and do so up to the present time.

“The law that will allow the establishment of measures to be able to take safeguards both in mental and physical health for health workers,” Deputy Karol Cariola commented after the approval of the initiative in Congress.

“Applause is not enough. This is a tremendous advance in recognition of the role that front-line workers have played throughout the period of the pandemic,” he added.

In Chile, where 87.2% of the population over three years of age have the complete vaccination schedule and 66.8% have received the booster dose, the pandemic is currently under control, but the authorities expect an increase in daily cases in the next few weeks due to Omicron variant.

This Wednesday, Chilean Ministry of Health reported 1,858 new cases and three deaths, for a total of 1 million 814,188 infected and 39,177 deaths from the first case detected in the country on March 3, 2020.


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