CF Montréal can score goals, but it needs to defend better for MLS success

“It’s great to get the first win,” said Djordje Mihailovic, who now has a club-leading three regular-season goals. “It’s a little late, but we got it done.”

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Seven goals scored on the road over the last two matches is something positive to build on for a CF Montréal club that has struggled through the early stages of the MLS season.

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However, six goals conceded over the same span undoubtedly means much work remains for manager Wilfried Nancy in the days, and weeks, ahead. It seems nothing will come easy unless something drastically changes.

“We know most of the mistakes may be self-inflicted. It’s figuring out why we’re making these mistakes and fixing it, as soon as possible,” said Djordje Mihailovic, after the first brace of his career propelled CFM to a crazy and error-filled 4-3 victory against FC Cincinnati on Saturday afternoon at TQL Stadium.

“If this happens at the end of the season, we’re not making the playoffs,” Mihailovic added.

A club must learn to walk before it can run and now, following its first victory of the MLS season — albeit in its fifth match — at least that albatross has been removed.

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“It’s great to get the first win,” said Mihailovic, the team’s most valuable player in 2021, who now has a club-leading three regular-season goals and four in all competitions. “It’s a little late, but we got it done. It’s good that it came in this kind of game. They went up twice in the first half, but we crawled our way back. That just shows the character we have.”

For the second consecutive match, CFM produced three first-half goals — the first time this has occurred in team history. Two weeks ago, on the road against Atlanta United, the visitors squandered a two-goal lead, surrendering a pair of late scores against a team playing short one man, forced to settle for a draw.

And there certainly were some anxious moments for Nancy against FC Cincinnati as well, but goalkeeper Sebastian Breza did well punching out a Luciano Acosta chip attempt headed for an upper corner in second-half stoppage time.

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There were some self-doubts, Mihailovic admitted, at various times. “I think naturally, maybe a little bit,” he said. We’ve seen this before. But not as much as you might think.

“We believed we could get a result, not just a draw. It comes down to how you think about things and your mentality.”

Give CF Montréal full credit for repeatedly picking itself off the canvas. For the third consecutive game, it allowed an early goal to fall behind, yet crawled back. It overcame the ignominy of allowing an own-goal by Alistair Johnston, as well as a penalty-kick score in the 61st minute.

In other words, it was easy for Nancy to overlook the defensive shortcomings while finally being allowed to savor the fruits of a victory that was a long time coming.

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“I want to enjoy the win a bit,” he said. “During the game, I wasn’t happy because of the way we conceded the goals. We weren’t so strong defensively although the offensive part was good. Listen, I’m going to take the time to analyze that but, for the moment, I just want to pause the fact that I’m a coach and enjoy the win a bit.

“It was a weird feeling during the game,” Nancy added. “I had good moments and moments that weren’t so good for me. The players know they have to do better. But, at the end of the day, they won. I want to win in a good way. We won in a good way. I missed that.”

Veteran striker Kei Kamara, starting for Honduran international Romell Quioto — unavailable after developing COVID-19 — finally produced his first goal for his new club, the 131st of his legendary career. Kamara now has scored against 24 MLS teams, some of which no longer exist. He also set up Mihailovic on his second score and was instrumental on Joaquin Torres’ winner in the 67th.

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“Yes, as a striker, you want to get that first goal out of the way,” said Kamara, 37. “The goals are good. They help win games. But the most important thing today is we got three points on the road. That’s really huge. For me to score, for sure it’s good. I wanted to get it off my shoulders.

“This shows we can score goals and that’s a good positive. Not just myself but different players. That’s really good. It takes a lot of pressure off you. But don’t score multiple goals on the road and not be able to get something out of it.”

Following one more game on the road, next Saturday against the New York Red Bulls, CFM plays three of four at Saputo Stadium, providing an excellent opportunity to get back into the playoff hunt.

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