Catalonia will require the covid passport in restaurants, gyms and nursing homes

Catalonia has decided to extend the use of the covid passport. The Government will ask the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) that endorses the certificate beyond nightlife so that, from now on, this document is also required to enter places of restoration, sports venues and geriatric. The measure, endorsed by numerous experts, will have to obtain the judicial endorsement of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia. If the courts give the green light to your application, the extension of the covid passports could come into force this Friday.

There are several voices that in recent days have spoken in favor of extending the use of this certificate as a tool for slow growth of cases of the sixth wave of coronavirus, and more, facing the Constitution Bridge and Christmas. The director of the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut), Gemma Craywinckel, He advocated this Sunday to demand it to enter closed spaces, such as restaurants, weddings, parties and, ultimately, in interior places where many people accumulate. The head of Epidemiology of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has also spoken along the same lines, Antoni trilla, and Magda Campins, President of the Health Advisory Committee and head of the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Service of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital.

According to several experts questioned by this newspaper, the extension of this document could be key to avoid the application of more severe measures as the limitations of hours and capacity in the world of hospitality and culture. Even so, scientists and health professionals remember that the success of this tool depends on how and when it is applied. Trilla, in fact, has defended that this certificate be applied “with guarantees” to avoid fraud between users.

Legal debate

After the ‘ok’ of the ‘conselleria’ of Health and the Government, now it must be the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia who endorses or not this measure. Several Spanish courts are debating this week whether or not to approve this measure, while the mandatory nature of these documents may be a limitation to individual freedoms. In Euskadi, Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country has overthrown him. Communities such as Navarra, Aragón and La Rioja continue in their intention to carry it out and await judicial endorsement in the face of the pressing rebound in infections in the last week.

Related news

So far, the health document is implemented in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Galicia to access certain services such as nightlife -in the Galician region also for visits to hospitals- and represents a measure welcomed by a large part of the autonomous governments, although more and more voices are being raised asking the Government to establish a common standard throughout Spain.

The Ministry of Health, for its part, plans to meet this afternoon with the Public Health Commission to debate whether it is recommended to close the interior of the hotel business starting at 11:00 p.m. in a territory at medium risk of covid and with high hospital pressure. As has emerged so far, the proposal would be activated when the cumulative incidence exceed 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

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