Canucks week ahead: Divisional battles await for Vancouver

The Canucks face three Pacific Division opponents over the next week in the Anaheim Ducks, Seattle Kraken and Calgary Flames.

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And like that, we’re all caught up.


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The Vancouver Canucks are set to play three of their remaining four rescheduled games over the next week. Then we’ll know where things truly stand, not far off the deadline President Jim Rutherford had set for himself in truly measuring his team.

The Canucks are still doing enough to keep themselves in the playoff conversation but remain on a precipice, where a fall in form of any sort would leave them tumbling out of the playoff race.

Here’s a look at the week to eat:

The story

Two wins, two very different tales.

Last weekend, goalie Thatcher Demko stood on his head and stole a win for his teammates against Toronto.

Thursday in San Jose, Demko wasn’t at his best but his teammates outscored his — and the defense corps’ — struggles.


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The Canucks now find themselves in a playoff chase but they need to keep winning.

“We’re nowhere near the top of the mountain at this point, but at least we can see the cliffs,” Canucks head coach Bruce Boudreau said Friday.

And that, more than anything, is what is going to keep this team motivated going forward.

“We need every point we can get now,” Canucks forward Elias Pettersson said, knowingly deploying a standard but very true cliché. They also have to be better than they were against both Toronto and San Jose.

“We were lucky to be able to get two points (against San Jose),” he added. “We can’t be sloppy. We’ve got to play for 60 minutes.”

Over the next week the Canucks will take on three divisional opponents, one they’re battling with for playoff position, another who has struggled all season and a third who has been flying high and looks set to fly even higher.


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The opponents

First up on Saturday are the Anaheim Ducks. They’ve seen their younger players take over and have improved just about every aspect of their game. They’ve struggled in their last three games and will be tired Saturday, playing their third game in four nights.

On Monday, the Seattle Kraken come to town for their first regular-season visit. It’s been a difficult year for the Canucks’ Salish Sea rivals. They got thumped this week by Toronto and Winnipeg, and face the Calgary Flames on Friday night before visiting Vancouver. They’ve proven porous defensively and underpowered on offense.

And then on Thursday the Canucks host the flames, a final home game before heading out on an eastern road trip. The Flames have just added former Canuck Tyler Toffoli to their lineup. The Flames are the Western Conference’s best defensive team. They’re a force.


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Anaheim Ducks at Vancouver Canucks

7 pm, Roger’s Arena. TV: CBC, Sportsnet. Radio: Sportsnet 650.


Juho Lammikko: The Finnish fourth-line center scored his fifth goal of the season Thursday against San Jose and also scored last week versus Toronto. Did Boudreau sprinkle some magic dust on him?

“I don’t know if there’s magic but get the confidence back. I don’t think I had a lot of confidence early,” Lammikko told Postmedia News on Friday about how well things have gone for him since Boudreau took over from Travis Green as head coach.

falling stock

Brad Hunt: Boudreau is very fond of the veteran defenseman but with the return of Quinn Hughes, he was dropped from the lineup in favor of Kyle Burroughs.


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The fact the power play hasn’t been running well didn’t score in his favor as Boudreau turned to Hunt to help the second unit during Hughes’ absence but that group only faltered.

Tucker Poolman may soon be an option as well, and Hunt may find himself dropping from seventh to eighth in the pecking order.

Question of the week

“Will Juho and Vasily have a little bet on about the Olympics?” — Patrick J., Burnaby

Had to interject myself here, as I did ask Lammikko on Friday about the gold-medal game at the Beijing Olympics. Finland and the ROC team are playing in the final Sunday after Lammikko’s Finns defeated Jaro Halák’s Slovakia and Vasily Podkolzin’s ROCers beat half of the Canuck organization’s Swedes.

The Finns won their semifinal not long after Thursday’s Canucks game in San Jose concluded, so Lammikko didn’t have a chance to watch the game live.


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And the Russians beat Sweden in a shootout Friday morning Pacific Time, before the Canucks would have gotten up for the day after their late-night flight home from California.

But Lammikko, who is missing a couple of teeth, smiled when asked about the looming showdown Sunday.

“It’s a good thing. I checked the score right away after the game,” he said.

And will there be some bragging rights, or more, on the line on Sunday?

“We haven’t talked about it yet, but maybe he and I will have some side bet.”

[email protected]

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