Canirac will invest 100 million pesos for new businesses in Puebla

Puebla, Pue. During this year, the restaurant sector plans to invest 100 million pesos for the opening of new local businesses and foreign entrepreneurs in the main gastronomic corridors of the entity, where it is expected to generate more than 500 direct jobs.

Carlos Azomoza Alacio, president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Spiced Food Industry (Canirac), commented that they cannot continue postponing plans, and being on the road to economic recovery after two years complicated by the pandemic, the sector needs speed.

He indicated that the balance for stopping activities during 2020 and gradually resuming operations in 2021, resulted in the definitive closure of 30 businesses, so that figure cannot be increased, since jobs were lost.

He estimated that between April and December around 40 new restaurants of all kinds will open in Angelopolis, since diners are open to new gastronomic offers, even though they have a wide variety of local dishes.

Likewise, he indicated that having more competition only leads businessmen from Puebla to offer better service, attention, flavor and price, “because that makes customers return or make promotions.”

Puebla, he considered, “is on the right track in economic reactivation, but the Private Initiative must also continue to pay for it with investments and train staff so that they do not lose sight of the fact that the client is the main thing in any business to grow.”

Azomoza Alacio commented that if a restaurant opens, it must make its return on investment within an estimated term and, for this, they must guarantee good service at all times.

However, the authorities must support the economy not to stop, avoiding closures due to non-compliance with expired licenses that can be economically resolved without stopping activities and harm the entrepreneur.


The leader of the Pueblan Canirac explained that they have had reports that the Puebla City Council carries out between five and 10 business closures, but in many cases it is only due to expired documents, which he considers to be an excess because it forces activities to stop without thinking that they are in between days of sales and employee payments.

In this vein, he called on the municipal authorities to have flexibility to dialogue and, thereby, avoid this type of damage because now more than ever they need to be in all operations to recover economically.

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