Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios Tests Positive for COVID-19 | The Canadian News

Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios said she tested positive for COVID-19, which will prevent her from attending Tuesday’s vote in the Ontario legislature on the extension of the Civil Protection and Emergency Management Act.

He made the announcement on Twitter, saying he had tested positive for the virus on Friday.

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Cambridge MPP withdrew from the CP caucus after voting against the pandemic emergency powers bill

“I will not be able to enter Queens Park until November 30,” wrote Karahalios.

“I was sick for a couple of days, but I feel so much better.”

The Cambridge MP has not said if she has been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Read more:

‘Not a Word’: Doug Ford Says MPP Expelled from PC Caucus Never Raised Concern About Bill

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On Tuesday, the provincial legislature will debate and vote on Motion 8, which is a motion to extend the Civil Protection and Emergency Management Law until March 28, 2022.

Karahalios was expelled from the CP caucus in July 2020 after voting against similar measures.

After the vote, Ontario Prime Minister Doug Ford said he was surprised by her choice and said she had never voiced any problem with the measure.

Karahalios and her husband Jim, who tried to run for the leadership of the federal Conservative Party, launched the New Blue Party.

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