Blockade continues to disrupt traffic on Ambassador Bridge

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A trickle of truck traffic was being allowed through by a protesters on Huron Church Road in one lane heading towards the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor on Wednesday morning, but all access to the bridge coming from Detroit remain blocked to traffic.


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Two northbound lanes of Huron Church remained off limits between Tecumseh Road and College Avenue by the ongoing protest group, while all lanes coming off the bridge and heading south were being blocked.

Across the Detroit River, freeway exits leading to the entrance of the Ambassador Bridge continue to blocked off on I-75, I-96 and the Lodge Freeway as of 10:30 am on Wednesday, said Diane Cross, spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Transportation.

Michigan State Police are also ensuring any trucks sitting on the shoulder near those exits are being moved along so as not to disrupt other traffic, she said.

Protesters were also making it difficult for truckers to reach the Bluewater Bridge on the Canadian side having set up a blockade on Highway 402 near Nauvoo Road — about 10 kilometers east of the bridge, according to Ontario Provincial Police.


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“The OPP is advising motorists to expect delays if traveling throughout the region today,” said OPP in an online alert around 11 am “Ensure you have alternate routes planned and factor extra time into your travel plans. Be aware of the possibility of slow or stopped vehicles along your routes.”

The ongoing closure of the bridge has led to havoc on state freeways in the Port Huron area leading to the Bluewater Bridge where backups are varying in length throughout the day of up to 10 kilometers in length, Cross said.

“Some of the locals in Port Huron I’m sure are not happy,” she said. “Here in metro Detroit we are in pretty good shape. There is heavier traffic than usual leading to the tunnel.”

MDOT does provide live cameras online of current road situation on the US side near the bridge or Detroit-Windsor tunnel which can be found online at and utilizing the camera icon.


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The Windsor area’s three MPPs on Wednesday — Lisa Gretzky (NDP — Windsor West), Taras Natyshak (NDP — Essex) and Percy Hatfield (NDP — Windsor-Tecumseh) released a joint statement condemning the ongoing protest.

“The Ambassador Bridge is a vital crossing that thousands of essential frontline workers, families, truck drivers and small businesses rely on every day,” they said. “While everyone has the right to protest, this is not simply a protest — it’s a blockade.

“Blocking frontline workers from doing their jobs to save lives, feed our communities and keep our economy going wrong. This blockade at the Ambassador Bridge is hurting our community, our national and provincial economy, and must end immediately.”

Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens and Police Chief Pam Mizuno were scheduled to provide an update regarding the blockade at noon on Wednesday.


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