Between a rock and a hard place

In who we are, we will have to choose before equally terrible options and from which there is no escape. Sometimes life, viruses or authoritarianism put us in these dilemmas and there is no choice but to try to choose the “least worse” option and assume that this is what it is and this is how it has affected us and it is it. Resignation or resilience if you prefer in these unhappy times.

The crossroads consisting of “restriction against the virus versus economic survival” puts us virtually in a dead end. We have had the escalation we have suffered in recent weeks in the number of infections by Covid and we have to deal with it alone. Since 2020, it has been very clear to us Mexicans that our government will in no way support micro-, small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs. As if that were not enough, let us remember that 60% of the workers in our country are part of the informal economy and that in this case there is no choice but to go against all odds and make a living. do not earn, for them it is about going out or going out, as the only option to eat.

The saddest thing is that while in other Latin American countries (not to mention the European Union or the United States) there was economic support to continue in the midst of the pandemic, the president in Mexico flatly refused to to do it. so and in a nutshell sent the message that we are all scratching ourselves with our own fingernails. What to do then?

For the privileged who can work remotely, the home office option is good, but the rest of the jobs that require face-to-face work are literally between a rock and a hard place and none of their options are free of threats and dangers to their lives and nutrition. Who cares?

Precisely to avoid support and not accept his responsibility, the current administration has committed itself to minimizing the pandemic, saying a thousand times (from 2 years ago to today) that the curve has flattened and that the “covidcito “is more similar to a flu that is cured with tea and soothed on the back with VapoRub. Nothing more fake! Of course, the mask is not part of the presidential dress and with or without Ómicron, López Obrador refuses to use it as a bad example for all Mexicans. We’re in trouble.

On the other hand, let us acknowledge that our citizens are “by the way”, our indifference and resignation make us very demanding with our rulers and our ancestral disinterest in public affairs is a deadly combination that has brought us to this (among others ) very unfortunate situation.

The most optimistic predictions say that the infections may start to subside in a few weeks, and the most pessimistic predictions tell us that 50% of our country’s population will be infected in this fatal fourth wave. Either way, it looks scary.

In our hands, by raising our voices, in our ability to demand and not look the other way, the ability to make ourselves heard and achieve what we all want: health and at least survival for all Mexicans, we do not want more families anymore. in mourning

Twitter: @TereValeMX

Youtube: The Quickie

Tere Vale


gas column

Psychologist, manager, author, commentator for Grupo Formula.

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