Beginning of the year

When the beginning of the year costs you a kidney; remember how you spent last month, consoles, but does not help“: Macraf

The beginning of a year brings with it great expectation and hope that things can be better and it even gives us the opportunity to make a recount of what happened in the year that ends, in this way, to be able to plan what comes, however , it is very common to make a mistake that can be summarized in one sentence: clean slate …

That simple phrase that seems insignificant can cause us a great headache throughout the year, please, do not make that mistake my dear reader, let’s learn to learn from what was done wrong and rectify if necessary, let’s learn not to be You must fix what is not broken, if it works, you must continue along that path, I mention the above since, we are at the beginning of a year that paints to be very complicated in economic terms and of course, it will be reflected in the pockets of people.

To make it a bit clearer, think of a person who suffers from a very bad flu, the worst thing you could do is go outside naked at the coldest time of the day because, the result would be pneumonia that possibly take the hospital, now let’s take the example to the economic field, this year, it will be complicated for the following reasons: first, because of the growth rate of the economy in 2021, which will not be the famous 6.1% with which it was carried out and approved Both the Budget of Expenditures of the Federation and the Income Law, by far we will reach 5.5%, which implies that we will not have an economy of the size that is required to be able to generate the resources that were projected to be spent this year and therefore Therefore, spending must be readjusted, but this government said that it would not generate more taxes or contract more debt (the latter is a great lie), so the only thing left is to modify what we already have today and secondly, due to the inflationary process that we are living.

Regarding the readjustment that I mention, it implies removing from one side to put on another or charging what had not been thought of charging; Let me explain, if there is no money for social programs, nor is there a way to generate it via taxes or debt, then resources must be taken from another item to put it there, perhaps tourism, health or education, whatever it is, it directly affects the pockets of citizens because by reducing the supply of public goods and services in these areas, they must be covered with what is produced by private companies, generating greater spending for families. When I say, collect what was not intended to be charged, I mean, for example, the IEPS, a tax that is present on gasoline and other products, currently the government lowered the rate of this tax on gasoline, that is, it is charging less than what could and even so the fuels are more expensive (due to deficiencies within Pemex).

Regarding the inflationary process that we are going through, it should be mentioned that although it has an international origin as a result of the pandemic, it also has an internal component related to the contraction of the economy and the paralysis of internal production chains, which is reflected According to the Inegi, inflation in the first half of December 2021 was 7.45% in the price increase of basic consumer products, being the products with the highest price increase: air transport, packaged tourist services, beef, lunch restaurants, inns, torterías and taquerías, lemon, chicken, bananas, poblano pepper, own home and automobiles.

All of the above is the severe flu of the patient, going out naked at the coldest time of the day, is the equivalent of making unnecessary expenses and not properly handling the financial instruments that one has (cards or credits), the famous January cost, It is nothing other than, the consequence of a bad spending decision in the previous months, if my dear reader does not want this year to cause pneumonia, it is time to put your personal finances in order and try to save, if this already is do, do not experiment and continue down that path.

* The author is an academic from the School of Government and Economics of the Panamerican University, lecturer, expert consultant on economic and public administration issues, founding director of the El Commentary of the Day site and headline host of the University Voices program.

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